Catching up to the Action

Kalena awoke in the very early morning hours before the sun had yet to break over the dark horizon. She bathed swiftly and swung open her gigantic gold-enamelled wood wardrobe with its mirror-mounted doors. Inside was a large assortment of finely tailored garments from linen leggings, silk jackets, and lace camisole tops to long courtly gowns embroidered with gold and ermine and studded with pearls. Below were shelves after shelves of expensive footwear to fit every occasion and whim.

After years of living out of a saddlebag, Kalena decided to completely spoil herself with more clothes, shoes and accessories than she could possibly ever need or want. From the vast wardrobe she presently selected a simple riding ensemble — snug brown leather breeches and a matching jerkin over a white linen blouse, knee-high black boots with a two-inch heel, and a blue velvet cloak fastened to her shoulders with an amethyst and silver brooch.

Dressing in front of one of the gilded floor-length mirrors, Kalena quickly brushed out her mane of dark brunette hair, then pinned the thick curls into a twisted bun behind her head. Next she buckled a belt around her trim waist with her sword and coin pouch hanging from it, and checked that her throwing knives were all sheathed in the hidden compartments of her boots. Finally, she slung her longbow and quiver of arrows across her back, and made her way down the wide marble staircase to the palace courtyard. She saw there was no one up and about yet save for the guards at the front gate.

In the stables, she paid Enyo and her foal a brief visit. Both were sleeping peacefully. She longed to ride the beloved mare, but the old girl was still recovering from giving birth. She surveyed the other inferior steeds she owned and chose a brown speckled stallion she purchased in the land of Ecilith last autumn that she remembered boasted great speed. Leading it out of the stall, she bridled and saddled the horse and briskly walked it over to the high iron gate.

“You're up early, milady,” one of the guards remarked.

“I felt like getting a jump on the day,” Kalena said with a bright vivacious smile.

“A morning hunting outing?” another guard asked.

“Of a sorts. I thought I'd ride out to where the slavers were attacked.”

The man frowned with uneasiness. “They say that might've been work of a demon.”

She harrumphed skeptically. “A demon freeing slaves... that is most unlikely. If one individual is responsible, it's very probably someone with a personal vendetta. Not a demon, but not necessarily a human either. I expect the local sheriff will know more details at this point.”

“Take care, milady,” the first guard said. “Demon or no demon, those are some dangerous parts.”

“Save your concern for someone who needs it,” Kalena replied with a dismissive scoff.

Once through the gate, she swung herself up on the back of the stallion and spurred it to a gallop down the road that led out into the forested countryside.

Kalena breathed deeply, drawing in the fresh morning air with pleasure. She soon left the refined, cobbled streets of the city proper and preceded along the rural dirt roads, then took a shortcut through the narrow network of back roads that cut through the vast wooded interior that stretched from Dalen all the way to the borders of Verden. Her sharp, wary green eyes kept constant watch for bandits and highwaymen that might be lurking in the shadows of the thick undergrowth. These were indeed dangerous parts with many criminals on the prowl; it was partly the reason why she'd taken up residence in Dalen, a place she couldn't let herself grow too soft if she wanted to survive.

Kalena crested a rugged hill and saw the first rays of dawn just beginning to paint the sky orange, chasing away the stars and providing greater illumination to the forest. She continued onward until she reached a fork in the road.

“Let's see now,” she said aloud, calculating her bearings. “I do believe the town of Ragodast lies in the left direction.”

Kalena took a drink from a water canteen and then sent her fast mount down the northwesterly road, her riding cloak rippling out behind her.

(OOC: Thanks SilverCloud, but I think I managed to save you the trouble.)

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