A "simple" traveller...

---- Dalen, an inn in Starval, morning, 0 DSTR ? ----

(Nathan) "And you might be right about it being a little to early for a drink" he added "but if I am to have a chance to taste it then I have to do it now since I won't be staying the night in this town.".
Dorian nodded in agreement "Innkeep! Ale if you please! Seems my friend here has never tried Dalen's finest." The barkeep nodded with a small smile and set a bottle down on the bar with two cups.
The bottle and cups glowed with iridescent purple light and briskly floated over to the table undoing the stopper and pouring golden liquid into the cups. One such cup floated in front of Ethan.
Dorian smiled his blue eye swirling the same color as the magic that held the cup "Now Ethan...Time for the second battle of which I allready won. Listen carefully as I say this as a friend not an accuser."
Dorian lifted the Ale to his lips for a moment taking a small drink before continuing. -Impressing a human accomplishes nothing Hatchling. We are wasting time- The voice said in a bored tone ~oh do be quiet~ Dorian responded mentally.
"First Ethan if you wish to come off as a traveller then you shouldn't show signs of displeasure when eating a common food. This tells me you arnt used to eating at Inns and therefore are not used to traveling farther then a day or two out. Second your posture is near perfect telling me you arnt of any common profession. Hunters, merchants, Priests, Even lower ranked officials of townships tend to loosen there posture. This tells me your of high birth someone who has had it beaten into there heads that "A proper Lord never slouches"" Dorian said the last part in a mocking approximation of his own nanny.
"In conclusion of this round "Ethan" I suggest you work on those points if you don't want the more perceptive to work out what I have."
His voice held no accusations nor ill intent only solid, slightly smug, conviction.

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