An old bull.

Dorian slowed his pace and walked besides his new friend. He kept up conversation and told Nate of his home. The great green forest and the single lonely mountain at the foot of which laid his home and the castle town around it.
He explained how the vast amount of ore and gemstones found in said mountain made his family lavishly wealthy. How his great great great grandfather was a paranoid old war hero and had created the vast fortress Castle Red Dawn named for the color the stones take as the sun hits it's walls.
Just as he was finishing his story they happened along the camp they were looking for. An old bull of a man lumbered up from a near by fire. The man was built like a tree and just as tall. Thick arms, thick legs, and thick neck each thicker than Dorian's torso made this man a intimidating presence. His red hair was just starting to touch the grey his bushy beard had allready.
He approached Dorian faster then a man his size should be able and Dorian's eyes widen in fear "Oh gods no..." the man mountain swept Dorian off his feet into a crushing hug "Friend Dorian! Is pleasure to cross paths." His accent was obviously not from around here but it was bubbly and full of life.
Dorian's face started to turn red with lack of air "B-Boros....can't....breath..." -I swear this human could crush stone if he had a mind- Boros looked down at Dorian "oh...da...sorry" and let the comparatively small mage back down. Boros looked at Ethan with a broad smile and put his shovel sized hands on his hips "And who is this with Friend Dorian?" Directing the question to Nate as Dorian attempted to straighten his spine.

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