Lady Grave

-Dalen Capital, Grand Theater. Evening, 2 DSTR-

Randel sat back listening to the music when he felt her more then heard her, Sarx, as she was known, wore a lovely emerald gown. He turned, and she nodded, the black hair woven into several braids was offset by the crimson touched skin, her infernal roots came to bare, but her fey half was in her eyes, golden and glowing softly, unearthly. She was tall, and slender, handsome was a word often used for her, beautiful if she was not around.

He stood as she took her seat. “The theft of the gold was not successful.” Her voice was deep and smooth like a wide river, a silken quality given to the fey by nature, one Randel employed as well when he needed.

“That seems to be the run of luck lately.” He replied. “And your contact with the Sun?”

She sighed, clearly, she had no love for the group. “Safe, though the dogs are after them.”

He looked down at the stage and smiled. “As planned then?”

She looked at him and arched a brow. “You always have a plan B?” She asked sounding unimpressed. “It is as if you plan to fail.”

“I know there are unforeseen events, chaos and all that, not to mention if gods get involved.” He replied folding his arms. “You should always be ready for a change of plans, unlike some I do not march my people onto spears.”

She turned sharply to look at the stage. “You just do not understand the need for order.” She quipped with no small amount of venom.

“I do.” He reached over to touch the back of her hand and was smacked for his offering. “I just try to find it in a different tact then you, Sarx.” He said in a consoling manner. “Of course, your people need to fear you, I, on the other hand, cannot afford to be feared. I doubt I could inspire such.” She laughed as if to agree with him.

“So you paid for this?” She asked.

He nodded.

“We should do something like this, business is good, we could break into legitimate industry.”

Randel looked at her shocked. “Not like this, I have other plans, it will place you in the merchants’ guild and in the slavers guild, then you will have something to offer the Rising Sun.” He told her. “Your less then lawful practices will be able to move the money through the lawful ones and the courts will have to honor it. You will be able to bank like normal.” He told her.

The Emerald Scarves were changing as an industry. She had brought order and with-it prosperity. The other gangs either paid to them or were gone, crime was low in the Lower District, and information was all funneled through them. She needed him and he needed her, business was not done there without them, and this would mean they could cut off the flow of slaves to the market, as well as most anything else.

She smiled showing her teeth, pointed. “I could get used to this sort of fancy stuff.” She took a glass of wine and sipped it.

((Tag any who wish to join him in his box for the opera

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