Joining Maelstrom - Part 2

So you want to be a Skyrider?

Maelstrom is a Steampunk game, and one of the hall marks of Steampunk are airships. Every airship is unique and as the game progresses they will become more and more important to the plot. Especially when we get up above the Maelstrom to the City of Elesium and the Etherlands.

Right now in the City of Dusk is the great tower called the Roost. This structure acts as a docking point for airships as well as a station for a vast cable cart network that strings out into the City. The Roost sits in the centre of the Skyriders Compound which includes ship yards, traders, accommodation and a Skyrider bar called the Crazy Cog.

Directly above the tower is a break in the Maelstrom called the Nexus. The Nexus is a circular area of thin cloud through which airships can safely pass. Trying to pass through the Maelstrom itself is almost certain death. Still Skyriders use breather equipment to safeguard against the ill effects of being so close to the poisoned clouds.

Flagesium is delivered to the underbelly of Elesium. Airships are not allowed to venture beyond the lower docking platforms and any attempt to do so would be met by lethal force from the flying City. The ships return to Dusk with vital supplies such as fresh water, medical supplies and food.

Airships are also used for missions into the Darklands such as to the settlements of Morks Bend and Graymire near the Delve entrance. At times of need airships have been known to collect Flagesium ore from Graymire itself and are sometimes used as personnel carriers to the same destination. Graymire has its own smaller docking toward called the Spire.

The Roost itself is a private business at this time, holding a contract for the shipping of Flagesium in trade with Elesium.

Existing Skyriders: Lina Kallgorian, female. Just lost her ship and mentor to the Maelstrom. Can be found in the Crazy Cog drinking like a fish and ready for a fight.

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