OOC - Ok, time for my idea


So I hadn't thought about putting this out there, but why not. I had been writing a 3-part (in one book) book about a future Earth. It would take place about 100 years in the future or so, and we would have been colonizing the Moon, Mars, and maybe some stations elsewhere. Also, the advent of near-light-speed travel using a weird antimatter engine I made up was on the horizon.


The conflict in the setting would be two-fold. First, there were the "Pirate Wars" a while back where nations/companies/whatever were fighting against "pirates" for stakes in the colonization of space. This would be something like Total Recall where they revolted on Mars. So even though the united space people (I'll have to dig up the name - "Federation Service" I think I called them) won those wars, pirates and rebels are still out there.

The second conflict is with the antimatter drive. The FS prepares to launch a possible interstellar craft, but will it go well? If it does, do they make it safely to their destination? Do Eisteins rules of relativity play in where we age X years while the people on the ship age hardly at all? Then again, if the ship never launches, the investigation becomes central.

In my book, I had the ship being sabotaged and its captain striving to get back into space to find out who was behind it. But, who knows...

OW Game Setting

So the short of the game idea might look something like this:
* Players could be a member of the FS (likely in a leadership role at some level), or a pirate, or just a civilian in a higher position somewhere
* The initial plot would be around the antimatter test trip, but could morph into war or interstellar travel, or sociopolitical colony issues, or...
* I would probably put in a "physics" model similar to BSG with projectile weapons and kind of rougher tech. I mean, there are space stations all around Earth and throughout, but they aren't like Star Trek for sure.
* There would be no species, although you'd have things like people born on the Moon or Mars would be taller, or people born in space might have some odd characteristics. Could even explore some low-level radiation-based changes (not superheroes, but more mild oddities)

Ok, those are just some thoughts, a bit of a jumble. Happy to answer questions and discuss. May not be a good game or may be redundant of others. Just thought I'd put it out there.

PS: It is highly unlikely I will ever finish this book, so I am not afraid to share its contents and ideas here at all. :)

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