OOC - Maelstrom - A Steampunk Project #1

I am throwing a few posts open to develop this game before launch. Maelstrom was born out of member interest and is huge in scope so has the potential to be an exciting world in which to write for those who enjoy the genre.

Nim has agreed to co-mod this with me so we will be talking in the background but I also feel it is important to use these posts to raise interest and encourage involvement in the games development.

My First Question is about the world of Maelstrom which I see are being structured in the following way.

The City of Dusk : is the last bastion of humanity in a broken world

The Darklands : is the common name for the lands beyond the walls of Dusk, they are desolate and dangerous, but perhaps not as empty as they appear?

The Delve : is a vast underground citadel and mine populated by an inhuman slave race who mine precious flagesium for their masters in the city. The Delve is joined to the city in the south by a grand steam railway.

Flagesium : is a fuel source, think glowing green coal. It is processed in the vast factories of Dusk and is the prime source of wealth within the city.

The Maelstrom : is a violent canopy of poisonous cloud which covers the world. There is only one known way through the Maelstrom and that is by airship through the Nexus above Dusk.

Elesium : Even the skyriders who deliver the precious flagesium to the fable city above can tell little of it. They pass through the Nexus to dock on the underside of the city exchanging the ore for food before returning to their dark world below.

Please throw in your thoughts suggest any additions, problems or ideas.

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