Autumn's Homecoming - Prt 04

In the same year that the High Church disbanded the system of orders that brought about the end of the Grey and Black Order’s within the church. The leadership of High Church also delared that only members of the High Church could lawfully perform healing magics and that all other forms were to be banned.

What followed after was the systematic purge by the Knights of the Temple of all Gifted Healers and Talents within Sarnia itself as well as those communities of the bordering nations. While move was publicly declared to be a means to stamp out the worship of false gods and wayward spirits amongst the peasantry. In reality the purge was intended from the onset as a means of stamping out any and all real competition the local priests and clerics had in their local communities allowing the temples to secure a new source of revenue for the temple coffers as it was no secret that healing and magical cures performed by the priests and clerics of the temple always came at a high price.

In the end of the deaths of countless was simply another way for the High Church to line their pockets.

Ursa Blacksong - 34th of Winter YSTR 107

Ursa would be the first to admit that wearing a dress again after so many years was something she was not entirely comfortable with. Not that she objected to the corset nor the loose bodice and long-sleeved tunic, given that these were common enough features of her daily attire anyways but the heavy skirts was something she’d need to get used to. That said it was one of the outfits that Sarah had selected for her and it was clear from the aged woman's expression that she approved of the fit thus Ursa elected to voiced no complaints nor objections as a good daughter should.

It had been a ten count of days since their encounter with the Priest and all seemed well enough if one looked at things from a distance perhaps but Ursa was not so foolish to think that this would be her last encounter with the man.

While he had voiced no suspicions nor accusation's against her nor did he press for more details regarding her origins than she had been willing or able to offer. It was clear enough that there was more to this encounter than some simple inquiry as to her health and well-being. Rather Ursa was unable to shake the lingering feeling that the priest knew something about the disappearance of Sarah Owen’s daughter but what that might have been she could not venture to guess.

Thankfully it was clear that Sarah harbored her own suspicions of the man as well and had hidden away those of Ursa’s belongings that would have no doubt caused the priest concern or alarm. The items secreted away in the false bottom of the Hope Chest away from greedy hands and prying.

As it happened the Widow Owen’s was a woman of some means within High March and was not only a well-respected midwife but also the owner of one of the township's two Apothecaries. A shop that Sarah had decided that Ursa could help her run now that Ursa was again well enough to be back on her feet.

That said Sarah was a practical woman and not inclined to simply hand over responsibility to just anyone, including her own daughter, on a whim and untested thus it seemed had decided that a measure of Ursa’s knowledge and skills was in order.


“And this is?” Sarah asked again lifting another jar of herbs to eye level.

“Dried Horehound.” Ursa answered after offering the vessel a quick look.

Sarah nodded returning the jar to the shelf. “ And what is it used for?”

“It helps with respiratory and stomach problems.” Ursa offered. “ It can also be used in a charm that offer some small protection against evil influence.“

Sarah nodded her approval before motioning to a set of jars on a nearby shelf. “ And what are these?”

“Yarrow, Hounds Tongue, and Maidens Ruin.” Ursa offered for each in turn.

“ And these?” She motioned to another set of Jars on the shelf above.

“Innocence, Orris Root, and…” Ursa paused looking closer at the third Jar. “ Unicorn’s horn?”

“Very Good.” Sarah smiled. “ It's good to see you haven’t completely forgotten everything you were taught. Now tell me which ingredents are used to purge evil spirits? ”

“Sage, Cedar, Rosemary, Mugwort, Sandal Wood, Juniper, Palo Santo, and Yerba Santa.” Ursa offered. “ Sea Salt can be helpful as well.”

Sarah nodded her approval. “ Now let's try something a little more advanced.”

The aged woman produced a small box from behind the shop's counter and placed it before Ursa before removing the lid. “ I want you to tell me which of these rings bares a curse.”

Ursa could not help but offer Sarah a questioning look. “ Are we allowed to do that?”

“ This isn’t Sarnia dear, The authority of the High Church doesn’t hold much weight on this side of the border … or at least not yet.”

Ursa nodded her understanding and turned her gaze to the dozen gold rings that were laid out for display on the red velvet cloth, raising her hand to cover her left eye.

“ The aura on this ring here is tainted so I’d clean it before you try and sell it and this one here has a gloom to it so I’d venture that this one was taken from the hand of the dead man.” Ursa’s gaze drifted to another ring in the box that caused her pause. “ And this one here has a very strong magical aura attached to it but given the reddish tint to the gold I’d say it's Zataarian in origin so I wouldn’t take the chance that it's not part of a Bride Ring set.”

Sarah smiled nodding her head as she replaced the lid on the box and placed it back under the counter.

“The last time I gave you that test you only noticed the aura’s on the first two rings and didn't pick up on the subtle elements at all. Experience it seems has been a good teacher and taught you to look beyond the obvious and work out those finer details.”

“Experience teaches us all given enough time.” Ursa agreed.

“So can I assume the arcane writing on your skin is not a curse nor simply for show but rwther that you’ve actually learned something of the craft while you were away?”

Ursa nodded. “ I’ve learned a fair bit over the years. More than I really had a need to but beggars can't be choosers.”

Sarah nodded her agreement. “ Well do your best to keep them hidden for now dear. I’ll see about what I can come up with that can help with those. The People in these parts are an understanding sort and don’t object to someone with some small talent in the arts but vulgar displays of magic and unsightly marks can cause concern and attract unwanted attention from the wrong people. Just be careful.”

“ I will mother.” Ursa agreed.

“That's my girl.” Sarah smiled warmly.


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