Spooky Tales of Aeran: A Halloween Special pt 2

30 years later, 10 YBTR

On the thirtieth eve of ‘The Final Witch Hunt’ more a name used in a sick sort of jest. Though it had been the final hunt in this particular town. After Grimby’s ‘example’ he’d made of the innocent woman claimed to be ‘witch’.

The town was bustling with festivities. Pumpkins and Turnips cast glows from their carved faces. Paper streamers crisscross to and fro on ropes extended between poles hung with candle filled jars. Tables filled to tumbling with treats both savoury and sweet. The people in the town were either too young to have witnessed what happened that day or old enough to have forgotten, after thirty years it was simply nothing but a celebration on a certain day, and not a macabre observance of an innocent woman’s murder by the Inquisitor Grimsby.
As the hour grew late Grimsby stepped onto the lectern. Clearing his throat it carried over the crowd, and they grew silent. All turning their attention to the ‘Hero’ Grimsby.

“Good evening citizens of Formigny. We are gathered here on this night to celebrate the victory over the evil scourge that plagued this beautiful town. Once fraught with strife, famine and mysterious deaths. I am pleased to inform you that we have made it through one more year of prosperity.”

The crowd responded with polite claps.

“On this night we gather to celebrate as a community the perseverance and eradication of the supernatural vermin that plagued us. Because of you thirty years ago our children and their children can live free of the fear of witches.”

“Praise Inquisitor Grimsby.” the group replied “Thank you for saving us.”

Grimsby couldn’t help but start to smile proud of himself, basking in the admiration of the citizens of Formigny, but he inhaled and shoved the smile down, returning to his stoney stoic resting face.

“And as our night of festivities comes to a conclusion, please everyone remember. You are the light, only you can keep the dark from encroaching. It only takes one amongst you to falter to dull our flame and risk everyone. Even the most innocent of magics is a gateway for maleficence to enter your heart and drag your soul to the Nine Hells.”

The celebration came to a close and everyone retired to their homes. Shut away and cozy, a stark contrast to the lake, who’s cold waters unnoticeably pulsed with a green ghostly light far below its rippling surface.

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