
Kye hated waiting on Aurora, but she had told him to stick to the location after finding the next assignment. He could hear Phenix already from the hidden spot he crouched in. Hands worked with a small trinket he had bought earlier, hoping to get it working soon. Using his sister's credits was never the best idea, but he had been unable to resist once he saw the little thing in the market on his way here.

Dropping it into his bag with his tools and pulling the strap over his head, he tied back long red locks of hair and got to his feet. Turning his blue eyes down the street, the younger sibling felt his mouth falling into a frown. "Of course..." he murmured, seeing all the people stare as Aurora rushed down the street while riding Phenix.

Worry on his face, he stepped out far enough for her to see him and waved a hand. Normally, Phenix would stop the moment he caught wind of Kye's scent and he hoped that would be the case this time. The creature always made the sixteen year old nervous, but he was not about to tell his sister that. It was not his nature to intentionally upset Aurora.

So, waiting calmly, Kye watched his chaotic sister rush toward him.

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