Enkindle: Trapped

The Varactyl charged down the long hallways knocking over storage crates and trolleys. One large ammo crate went flying, hitting one Stormtrooper across the face and flat onto the ground. Ka-clunk! The thick steel blast doors at either side of the hallway closed.

Within moments they were surrounded by Stormtroopers. "You damn kids don't know when to stop do you?" The Stormtrooper commander wheeled out an Enkindle weapon. "Ready? Fire!" The Enkindle burnt a hole in the roof above causing a large chunk of metal to come crushing down and a horde of wires came dangling above the two teenager's heads.

"Grand Admiral Abalam has requested we test out this on some Rebel flesh!" The commander laughed and patted the top of the Enkindle weapon like it was some kind of pet. "You have nowhere to go," another Stormtrooper chimed in. The perimeter of troopers aimed their blasters at Kye and Aurora ready to fire. Phenix scuffled around in a circle seemingly prepared.

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