Enkindle: Don't Upset the Assembly Droid

They were in the heart of the facility now. A warning was pasted on the door, warning of metallic fragments in the air. Outside the room was a large bin of resperator masks, the rebels scrambled to quickly place them on before going in. Baron slipped his over his face and watched as Niko and Inna did the same. "Let's go," he ordered, readying his pistol. Inside the room was a massive assembly droid. A collection of robotic arms quickly putting pieces together like some kind of mad puzzle. The assembly droid's massive red eye examined the room for any irregularities in the construction. "There it is," one of Ulaan's soldiers ghasped. A large cannon like weapon, a heat ray: Project Enkindle. "Ladies and gentlemen take down the droid!" Baron roared.

He started to fire at the massive metal arms. It beeped in anger with every projectile blast that hit it. "Shall I use these?" Trantis asked revealing a huge haul of ion grenades. "Lob em' at it Trantis!" Niko nodded to Aegon and started to chuck the armed grenades at the droid. One landed on a prepared Enkindle weapon causing a massive explosion. "Skree-uhhhhh!" The Assembly Droid screamed as it's eye was scorched by the fire. "You three," Baron pointed at three rebel troopers, "use these charges already," he continued. He kept hold of the detonator tightly. Just as the soldiers were arming the explosives a large group of Stormtroopers blasted their way inside the room. "Fire on those rebels now!" One Stormtrooper ordered. "Everyone return fire, that includes you Inna and Trantis. You three keep arming the explosives!" There was always one more snag to deal with just as Aegon thought he was finally getting away with it.

To Be Continued...

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