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View character profile for: Primogen Mario Giovanni

View character profile for: Elara Agosti
It Begins
February 1st:
"Elara, come in here." Mario's voice rang through the intercom. He still used intercoms, a rolodex, address book, and other various things people might consider dated, because he didn't like technology. He didn't understand it, and didn't want to. He left the more modern things to his prognies.
"Yes, Mario." Elara, Mario's secretary, ghoul and lover, made her way into the office of the Primogen of Giovanni.
"It is February, isn't it? And you know what that means." Mario responded.
"It is the season - Carnivale season." Elara knew that was how Mario referred to it, as he was from Italy. No matter how long he lived in the United States or New Orleans.
Then again he wasn't wrong, Carnivale season included the weeks leading up to Mardi Gras, while Mardi Gras was one day.
"Should the party planning begin?" Elara asked, after a moment.
Mario was not the most social vampire, he was barely social at all except with his own family. Having a dark fate hanging over your head can make one not very social. One day during Carnivale season was the one exception, the day the Giovanni held their annual party.
"Yes," Mario stated. "Tell Angelica I expect perfection."
"Yes, Mario." Elara blew Mario a kiss and ran off. There was a lot of work to be done.