18: Moonstone

It's been several years since Moonstone saved father of the family that took her in. People had forgotten all about the incident. She had given up on finding a family to take her in. She resigned herself to being by herself.

She was sleeping inside of a hollowed out log people often used to set on. She heard a twig snap which woke her up. She slowly got out of the log and was immediately caught by animal control. She fought back, she hiss, she spit, she howled. It did no good, she was shoved in a cage.

At the shelter when they saw she was purple they assumed she was used as bait by dogfighters. They took her to a vet for any medical treatment needed. The vet could find no injuries. She was checked for an implant but there wasn’t any. She was taken to the human society.

Moonstone gave the people at the humane society all kinds of trouble. She would constantly perform ‘jail breaks’ and break into the section where they sell supplies and toys. She was constantly stealing a coller with an immitation moonstone dangling from it. The first time they wrote it off. Eventually they realized she was intentionally taking that item. They assumed a previous family gave her one so they eventually let her keep it.

They tried numerous times to wash the dye out but eventually they gave up and assumed whatever was done to the poor thing was permanent. They shaved her and put a sweater on her to keep her warm. When the fur started to grow back it grew back purple as well. At that point they figured it would be impossible for them to find a family to adopt her.

Moonstone at first enjoyed seeing all the perspective new playthings who would take her in. Eventually she became depressed.

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