Image of Iggys and Lizzys Lizard People NPC

Summary: Reggae bug eyed lizard people

Iggys and Lizzys Lizard People NPC

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Gender: Both

Age: Varies

Group: Civilians & Other


Iggys or Man lizards/Lizzys or Women lizards are quiet, bug eyed, mentally slow, Rasta types that climb walls and can camouflaged. Have reptile senses.

Anthromorph: Human and animal lifeform. Made by accident or by humans in a lab to serve a purpose. Be it an attempt at a super soldier, entertainer, love partner or accident, these are similar to humans, but carry the animal behavior as well.

Job/Skill/Physical or Mental Flaw

Iguanas are naturally skilled climbers and are actually very fond of exploring the unknown, though they never seem surprised by what they find. Some believe the race's slow manner and relaxed attitude is a by-product of their culture's fondness for wacky weed and reggae music - though no-one has ever proven this (or attempted to).


Evolved Life form

Physical Appearance

Iguanas are economical when it comes to using words, and yes or no questions are the best to ask for in hopes of receiving an instant reply (and it will almost always be punctuated with "mon" in a West Indies accent). Iguanas have lanky body-builds and large (bulging) eyes, which often have the tendency to look in different directions. Females do have breasts, though these are implied to be very small, and males (possibly both sexes) do at least have hair on their head, though these could instead by dreadlock-like "ropes" of scales. It's unknown if iguanas still lay eggs like their ancestors.

Personality and Interests

Some believe the race's slow manner and relaxed attitude is a by-product of their culture's fondness for wacky weed and reggae music - though no-one has ever proven this (or attempted to).


Evolved Iguanas (Iguana sapiens) originate from domestic reptiles are presumably not extinct. Slow, methodical and relaxed by nature, most other races find Iguanas to be inscrutable slobs. Iguanas never give any indication of their feelings, and will remain tight-lipped and enigmatic until and unless they feel the situation warrants sharing personal information. They are never embarrassed, probably because they really don't care what anyone else thinks of them, they tend to live in total messes (iguana quarters are typically compared to a third world trailer park), and they are indifferent to their body odor because they regard it as quite neutral and pleasant smelling.

They took up residents in the Ships Gardens and created a hippy commune where they grow wacky weed and smoke it all day long.

Favourite Sayings

Hey Mon.
Chill Mon
No Mon.
Yes Mon

Favourite food

Wacky Weed

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Image of Iggys and Lizzys Lizard People NPC
Mentioned in the post Progress Jul 30, 2023, 2:42pm
Updated character profile Dec 12, 2021, 11:36am
Updated character profile Dec 12, 2021, 11:29am
Updated character profile Nov 24, 2021, 7:58pm
Mentioned in the post