I Choose You

JP with Lorem and Omni

The Arbiter grew quiet. How long would he delude himself before he realized she was not some golden likeness of perfection? When he knew the things she had done? When he witnessed the things she would continue to do?

“Your eyes might deceive you… you understand what I am?”

Gonyaul laughed, though he didn’t mean it as mocking, but instead was just full of mirth . She misunderstood him.

He pointed to his head and eyes. “I know not perfect. No one is. But has no to do with you.”

He placed his hand on his heart and made a sign that meant soul upward. “It because I have freedom to choose.”

He tried giving her the same kind of teasing wink she gives him. Apparently Gonyaul was out of practice winking, because he didn’t execute it quite right both eyes closing together. “I choose you.”

In short, he wasn’t asking her to be something she was not. He wasn’t expecting her to be perfect. He wasn’t demanding that changes needed to be made. He was hoping she would be herself.

This was one of those times that some of his words and motions were lost on her. She chose him too and she had her own reasons, but she had to know.


Normally a question like that would have been flirtatious bait, but while she enjoyed his affections, he wasn’t like most men and she genuinely had yet to fully understand him.

Gonyaul righted his horse, having had a few meters of trouble keeping it on course. Sometimes when he talked or daydreamed he took hands a little off the reigns.

“Let say obvious first.” He playfully pretended to be serious like a scholar teaching. “Beautiful beyond dreams. Intelli.. inyelligent… very smart. You value learn. Skills more than I count. You leader. Have nurturing heart and believe strongly in things. Common interests in art. Litany told me you great. List can go on….you keep adding to it. ”

She looked at him with playfully accusing eyebrows and he knew it was about his silly attempt at a joke about Litany, jokes were the only version of a lie he would allow himself.

“Never lie, nnn?”

He chuckled, “Bad habit I learn from someone recently.” poking fun at her.

She gasped at his allegation alluding to her request the other night to tell her a lie.

“I only kidding. Save lies for obvious joke only. No good hurt flow of kagim with lies.”

She was graciously satisfied with that response, but couldn’t help thinking. ‘No, only hurt people with truth…’

He sighed happily and continued with his reasoning for choosing her, “Also there is power in loving and I see farther than stars potential for you be and do amazing things. I would like to walk and help this journey with you heart in heart.”

For now she was sweetly amused. She would meditate on his words. The two riders were quiet for a while but kept up curious and lighthearted discussion for most of the day, stopping once or twice for short breaks. It was as if this pristine corner of the world was free of all dangers and evils.

Soon they made camp to rest for the evening.

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