The Purple Legion

The Purple Legion is one of the most infamous of the so-called 'free companies' bands of sell-swords that operate in Helias. Originally hailing from the mountainous regions of Garrah, their history stretches back to bands of mercenaries groups that flourished during the War of the Three Kingdoms, between, Torja, Salos and Garrah and the times of the Noctua Inquisition.

At the inception of their history they were primarily composed of rugged clansmen, veterans of border skirmishes of the Trident, the southern area of Helias where the three kingdoms meet. These troops were among the first warriors to master the use of pikes and halberds against more heavily armoured foes as well as against heavy cavalry, and a few years later their revolutionary tactics and sheer ruthlessness had earned them a reputation as the best contract troops money could buy.

Their first major victory under the Purple Banner came when they immediately proved useful in putting down a rebellion financed by the Kingdom of Salos, in Garrah's capital city, Kairn. The Legion went on to serve as the protectors of the Clan's seat of power for over twenty years, but their penchant for wanton sacking and looting also drew the ire of the mountain folks.

Rather than simply be swords for hire, the Purple Legion embarked on one of the bloodiest and most daring quests in military history. Following an abortive attempt to establish an outlaw state in Bronnar, a southern duchy of Salos, they sailed to the island of Bastion, where they defeated the Salarian forces and found themselves the rulers of the most strategic area in the Sea of Storms.

Incredibly, the mercenaries managed to consolidate their power with a series of naval raids and trading, and rule over the island for more than 45 years until an army from the Kingdom of Torja, finally defeated them in battle and took control of the disputed territory.

The size and military power of the Purple Legion fluctuated throughout the ages despite their victories and defeats, their motto remaining unchanged after all these years, 'A-riamh buaidh, riamh eagal', Never conquered, ever feared...

Now after centuries of operating in Western Helias, the Purple Legion has come to Arcadia.

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