Make yourself at home

JP with Winteroak and Bandorchu

They paid a young boy at a stable in Lowood to stable their horses. Tar took very uncomfortable in the seas of people that swarmed the streets of Ostiarium.

Although he had not been in the city for a while, he seemed to know where he was going. Alexis imagined the pull of the Hammer.

Soon the found themselves in the Misty Ward, just outside the Rectory.

"It's in there..." Tar said looking at Alexis.

“Alright. Let’s see if the Friar is available.”

Alexis had no idea how that would turn out, but they had to start somewhere. She marched to the door and knocked.

A young acolyte answered the door dressed in the blue robes of Kupen. She looked at the newcomers with a smile.
"Bright blessing to you both this fine morning. What can I do for you?" The young woman asked.

Alexis inclined her head in greeting.

“Likewise. We would like to request a meeting with Friar Balvaris, if that is at all possible?”

She inquired politely.

"The Friar is at the temple." Came the quick answer. "He only sees people at the Rectory by appointment...." Her words trailed as it dawned on her who she was speaking to. She hesitated. "You are Lady Greyriver. Slayer of Slivikhi..." She said bowing deeply. "We owe you a great debt, milady..."

“Please, don’t.”
Alexis looked distinctly uncomfortable. She still didn’t like to be hailed like that.

“… so, we would like to make an appointment, then. How do we go about that? Should we see the Friar at the temple?”

"l'm sure the Friar will see you as soon as he is back, milady." The acolyte said sure an exception would be made for the illustrious guest.

"Maybe we could wait inside for the Friar to return?" Tar suggested suddenly to the young acolyte. "I'm sure the Slayer could use a nice hot cup of tea." He smiled. "We've been travelling and need the Friar's help in a spiritual matter..."

The young acolyte frowned for a second but invited both in. The Friar would be home for lunch after all.

Alexis stared Tar down as he pushed the poor girl to let them in. She already didn’t like where this was going.

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