
Bootlegger's Pier

The messenger knelt in front of The Purger, in the dimness of the man's simple tent. The brother of the Silent Flock started to relay what had happened, signing to Margrave, unsure how the man would react to his news. He had ridden the last two days as soon as the disappearance of Voah Sahnsuur became apparent. The rest of the brothers of the Flock dedicated to Vastad, hoped that their champion had received some secret mission from The Purger and had not deserted them.

The Silent Brother knew as he rode closer and closer to the camp that this was very unlikely. And that their sister had turned traitor. Forsaken her vows and the Pillars, chiefly among them the God of War.

"Any sign of a struggle?" came the raspy voice of Margarve. The Brother signed 'No'. She had simply collected her belongings and slipped away into the night like a common thief.

"And the Red Hand tribe?" came the follow up question. 'Gone', came the quick reply, the brother's left index finger slicing sharply across the palm of his right hand. We are tracking them!'

The Purger stood up and placed a hand on the brother's hand. "Rise. Return to your brothers. Complete the mission. Take one word with you." he said ominously.


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