Voah Sahnsuur Excommunicatio Edict by Margrave Otho, Purger of the Inquisition

'You have wandered out of light and life. Turned your back on the everlasting light and teachings of the Pillars.

You, who have seen what so few of our kind have seen. Now, no matter where you walk, you will be hounded and hunted as an Apostate. A traitor of our kind. Your eyes will be gouged so you no longer can see the beauty of Creation. Your tongue ripped from your head so you can no longer speak blasphemy and your body broken before you are left to live the rest of your miserable life as a dried up and used husk. Cast aside not even worth to fed hungry dogs.

And when you eventually pass away your spirit will find no rest and will be cast into the void where you will scream in suffering for eternity reliving your punishment and treason.

Ever are Men stranded on the surface of things. And ever do they confuse what they see with the sum of what matters. Ever do they forget the rank insignificance of the visible. And when they do honour the beyond, the above, they render it according to what is familiar. They disfigure it for comfort’s sake.

But you … you know … You know that what lies beyond resembles us no more than the potter resembles the clay.

You, who have glimpsed Hell and suffered at the hands of the Maleficium. You, who dedicated your life to erase this plague from our life. You, who were granted the grace of the gods. Their light and immense glory no longer will bathe you. Will no longer guide and protect you. You are cast out. A pariah. Now and forevermore.

Darkness claimed the wild horizon of your life. The truth, the truth demands sacrifice, from all os us. You chosen the easy way out.

How can you doubt your teachings when we kill in the name of truth?

You are a Sister no longer. Your name and that of your family and that of your ancestors will be stricken away from all records. It will be a curse instead. It shall mean SHAME, from this day forth.'

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