Immortal My Donkey

JP with Omni, Lorem, and Winteroak

One of the man sitting next to Zargani scoffed. "As immortal as my ass." He said pointing over at where the animals were penned together. More laughter.

Zargani shrugged. "Who knows the truth of these things..." He said getting up. "I'm afraid it's time for me to turn in. We rise early. We have a long journey ahead of us." He said excusing himself. The other man bowed their heads to their patriarch as he left to his caravan.

One of the other men turned to Voah with a charming smile.

"They call her Sister Locust." He shared. "Do you need a hand setting up your tent?" He asked looking from Voah to Gonyaul and back again.

Voah stocked away the title ‘Sister Locust’ for later questioning instead she immediately answered to accept the man offers to help set up their tent.

“Yes, please.” she said eagerly.

She wanted to learn how to do it their way, the right way so she would be able to setup camp for Gonyaul.

Gonyaul had been enjoying people watching during the rest of the meal. Like most gatherings he had attended lately, there was much boisterous and amicable conversation. It was such a stark contrast to the Vauxian way which was mostly silence.

At home, talking was subordinate to signing. But in addition to the unspoken language, one learned to share information in a plethora of other ways. The way one would speak with their eyes, how they wore their outfit, braided their hair, how one would touch another, basically little details became other ways to communicate. Gonyaul rather liked the idea of mixing the two worlds, but it would take some getting used to.

He wasn’t able to follow everything the men were saying. Sometimes they used a word he didn’t understand. For example, he didn’t know what ‘immortal’ meant. He assumed after their joke about the ass, that immortal must mean the prophetess was a donkey? But that didn’t make sense to him. Maybe she had characteristics like a donkey?

When Voah squeezed his hand he was there for her. He knew this talk of gods might have her on edge. He affirmed her with a smile. Things very well would be tough, but they were both capable of handling tough. After all the kite rises highest against the wind and even the tiniest of seeds rises from the depths to bloom in adverse situations. He reminded himself that it wouldn’t be easy, but it would be worth it.

Gonyaul agreed to the request to help show them how to setup the tent. “Thank you, very kind.”

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