
JP with Omni, Lorem, and Winteroak

When she found the man available, Voah went to Zargani to discuss matters.

"How much time do you expect we have here in Desdem before the caravan will be heading out to Gra'akast? And will there be later opportunities to join a different departure?"

Gonyaul recognized Voah’s voice engaging Zargani with questions. He stopped admiring the butterflies and the sights of Desdem and spun around to join them in time for the answer. He hoped they had some time before departures. It would be a good opportunity to experience as much of the novelty this village had to offer and make new friends.

"I think there is a caravan leaving in a few days. Two maybe three." He said. "Next one to the Holy city? End of harvest. About 3 months? I think. But I will check." He replied. He than informed Voah and Gonyaul that they couldn't camp in the centre of the village. The Atsigani simply announced their arrival this way so that the news travelled faster. Later today they would move to the edge of the village and set up camp. He expects you to join him until your business is concluded.

Two to three days should be enough time to gather the supplies they would need for this travel.

“Very well. I must talk with my husband about preparations.“

She turned to Gonyaul and they went for a short walk.

“How are you feeling about this? At the moment I sense we are not going to be welcomed in this place. Three days is enough time to get what we need, I imagine. But… three months here may be far too long to wait if something goes wrong.”

“I feel once they get to know us they will welcome us. Right now no trust because we strangers. Longer I stayed with Odsier more they bring me in.”

Gonyaul bowed, smiled and signed to some of the villagers that had crossed their path briefly, causing Voah and Gonyaul to have to pause their walk for a moment. “I want to see if I can talk to farmers. I think may be able to show them way to do crops that make grow better. We use three days like we plan to leave and perhaps see what happens in three days. Never know what each new day bring.”

She nodded.

“You make a good point, but I do not wish to break our arrangement unless we do it very soon. We could guarantee our end of the bargain, give up the horses now, regardless if we decide to stay or go. But remember, our deal with the caravan will include all the traveling supplies we will need. We would stand to lose a lot on this deal.

We take one day to make up our minds, two if we have time. Purchase more suitable clothes. Then if we decide to stay, we stay, nnn?”

Gonyaul agreed that it would be better to honor their word. Voah picked up on the dirty looks they were getting from the villagers and turned herself and Gonyaul back around as they resolved to return to the Atsigani around the well.

Voah asked Zargani if it was possible to get a translator to speak with some of the locals as Gonyaul had requested.

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