Other Gods

JP with Winteroak, Omni and Lorem

Naravas looked at the map and tried to pronounce some of the words and names of places failing miserably at the last one.

He reverently took the piece from Voah and bowed his thanks. Before he asked her a curious question.

"Muros..." He said pointing at his heart and he bowed deeply touching his hands to his face
and into the ceiling.

After he pointed to Voah as if asking if she followed any gods.

At first, when she realized what Naravas was asking, a new wave of apprehension took her. Then again, she was starting to feel convinced that these people were not followers of the twin gods as Zargari had warned that they didn't tolerate any other deities. Naravas seemed to be at least open to the prospect of others. But... could it be... Was this just a charade to extract information? In her investigative style as an Arbiter, she would have done the same thing, a friendly approach, lure into a false sense of security, extract information, analyze, judge and then execute.

She slowly nodded, reluctantly pulled up the sleeve on her right arm, overturning her wrist to reveal her tattoo dedicated to the five Pillars.

Something told her that she had nothing to worry about, but Voah opened her awareness to the halls around them and remained poised to defend herself nonetheless.

"Cambena, Hoi, Vastad, Kupen, Zinheim." she proclaimed with a quiet pride as she pointed out each of the four Pillars and the central sword. She was ready to demonstrate by gesture or illustration if Neravas would allow.

She started with a rudimentary sketched illustration of a calm sea, a storm approaching from the side and background, a sailing ship, and some sea creatures. She graciously included a creature that resembled a baleia or a muros. She then circled the image with a flourishing line of ink.

"Cambena." she said with a hopeful smile.

Gonyaul was silently paying attention to their interchange as he looked about the new room. He hoped he would find something that looked familiar or he could even possibly read.

Occasionally he would glance to the other two and catch himself up to speed on what they were discussing. He admired their artistry and memory when it came to the maps they traded. He noted the devotion in them as he and Voah lit up referencing their gods.

He smiled happily. It was a moment that reminded him that people, no matter their differences, can indeed get along civilly and amicably. All it took was a little kindness.

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