
Pilgrimage of Bones

Islana woke with the first rays of light that exploded across the darkness of the night. She rubbed her cold limbs to get the blood flowing again, but knew before the next hour was done, the temperatures would rise absurdly.

She realised that she had been travelling following whatever pull it had descend upon her during the sandstorm back in the oasis. And again she followed her gut. This time travelling East towards the setting sun.

The strange man came back to her mind again. What a strange encounter. But maybe it had been a test. The temptations to leave all this behind had been there. Food, water, comfort, even companionship in a off way.

Before she could dwell more into the meaning of the appearance of the tattooed man she felt before she saw it.

Something was burning. She followed as best as she could until a plume of dark smoke rose from behind the next dune...

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