Holy City


Excited chattering around noon rouse Shalia from her reveries.
One of her guards knocks on her door, looks inside, telling her they are coming up on the city.

Stepping unto the barque's deck she stands looking at the scene unfurling in front of her eyes. A huge oasis extends ahead of their vessel. So large that it could be called a lake anywhere else. It seemed incredible that this massive body of water was fed by the majestic river they floated on that started its journey on the glacial peaks of Fang. Looking at her own men she could see the revelation was not lost on them either.

Irrigation canals were dug around the margins of the oasis turning the land near its shores fertile and lush with vegetation and arable land.

Gra'akast, known as the Holy city, stands in the north shore of the Great Oasis. The city itself is surrounded by tall ancient stone walls, the colour of rust. Central to the vista and commanding the heart part of the city, is huge basilica with a large dome.

Its ancient architecture showed clear signs of a vertical division of functions. The ground floor used to store supplies, then another floor for the family, overhanging covered alleys that create what is almost an underground network of passageways and streets.

Most houses in Gra'akast are made of mud, lime, and palm tree trunks with covered alleyways between them to offer good shelter against summer heat.

Large swaths of the city lie deserted and abandoned now. Years of decline and the nomad nature of the Ozainae Septs all contributed to the desertification of the Holy City.

It is said to be the oldest city in Arcadia and it's still home to the Spiritual Leader of The Wandering, Seer Locust and the Sorcerer-Priests of the Twin Gods. It reminds Shalia of Orb in a way. It is clearly steeped in history.

As the barque moors Amastan and Agizul come stand next to Shalia. Their moods still somber but she sees their eyes drift to what she knows most be their temple's dome, as they kiss the crossed tusks on the hems of their sleeves

Suddenly a figure walks into the pier wearing similar long flowing robes to the two priests. They try to hide it but their shock and surprise is clear. They exchange concerned looks.

A gangway is lowered and Shalia invited to step forward first with her entourage. A tall man with broad shoulders, with tanned complexion and long dark hair stands below. He opens his arms in greeting as she steps into the pier. One step behind her guards come the priests of the Twins.

"Welcome Shalia Nix, Voice of Winter. Welcome to Gra'akast." He said with a broad smile in perfect Odon . "I, Tamazzalt, Ascendant of the Twins, welcome you to our Holy City."

Behind her Shalia noticed Amastan and Agizul bow deeply to the man.

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