Vastad's Tenets

"Smite mine enemies. Punish the wicked, reward the just. Temper thyself as the balanced blade. Press on and judge the transgressors of the faith."

Vastad spoke his tenets aloud reverently. The words booked in the space between God and Follower, echoing as if in challenge across the desert, in these hallowed grounds of alien deities.

"The Inquisition works the will of all Pillars. Not just the Five." He said although she knew that. "Do my prophets no harm and suffer not the witch to live." The meaning of the words was clear. They had always been immutable.

"At the battle of Murontomaga, the Sorcerer-King Torkaus, used his magik to kill thousands. In one single heartbeat." He reminded her. "Ten of thousands die in the weeks and months that came after..." She knew he was casting his mind back to those days of battle and bloodshed.

"The only assurance I can give you is that in battle you trust your blade, you trust the men at your side and you trust yourself." Again his tone was like that of another soldier. There was no accusing tone on his words.

"You would have me tell you that I believe We are right in our endeavours to rid the world from the blight of magik? Tell you the path you now thread is wrong? That you were right all along when you undertook the work of the Inquisition?" He asked shaking his mane. "I don't think you do. You want me to tell you are justified in your recent actions and that the Inquisition is corrupted? Maybe they are in some ways. But they serve our purpose."

He looked at her with his piercing blue eyes. "The questions you ask would be better suited for my brother." He laughed and she knew he spoke of Kupen, the God of the Sky and Sun.
"I am not here to change your mind Voah Sahnsuur. We live and die by the sword. You are free to choose your own path."

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