Tug of War

JP with Omni and Lorem:

She did meet his eyes and took in his words, but she knew he was just being the only way he knew how to be... deep down, she was sure he was troubled, or he should be.

"I should have sent you back to Aquilo after I knew for sure... back to Alexis... I... I... maybe then... you would be forgotten... your people ignored... maybe... I never should have got involved... or should have gone and renounced my position... and taken your secret to my grave..."

It was a selfless regret.

Gonyaul indeed had a tug of war taking place inside his heart in regards to his concerns for his people verse his positive outlook. Yet, there was nothing he could do in this moment. It wasn’t as if he could instantly travel back to warn them or even find them himself if he did turn around and make the long trek back.

These troubling circumstances were out of his control and he decided it was wiser instead of swimming in fear and uncertainty, that he would accept the things He couldn’t change and choose to be courageous about anything that he could. Knowing the difference was going to be where his choices needed to be ever vigilant.

Furthermore, he dismissed his twirling ponderous line of thinking in regards to Vastad. He had no real evidence to back up any of the claims he was making. He may have been right, but he also could be wrong. Gonyaul was humble, knowing that he himself might not understand all real possibilities systemically in motion. He stored away his current hypothesis’s in case they proved useful later. For now, Vastad was likewise forgiven for his rudeness towards Voah and Gonyaul freed himself from his anger towards the deity.

Meanwhile, he knew what Voah was doing. She was showing her concern for him by wishing that she had done things differently so things may not be problematic. It was an understandable reaction. Gonyaul didn’t subscribe to this thinking.

His elders taught him that a vaux can live in the past, the present and the future; the past by memory, the present by facility of senses, and the future by imagination. However, they were also warned it was dangerous. Live too much in the past and there is no growth forward. And living in the future is where the majority of neurotic issues were born, such as anxiety and depression. The past and future were to be solely enjoyed and the present likewise with the addition of living.

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