
Great Desert of Skulls

The boatman looked at the two with interest and a bit of trepidation. They didn't look like bandits but sometime brigands used women to attract merchants into open areas of the shores to later ambush them and loot their goods.

These two however looked like nothing he had seen before. Sunburnt, half starved, disheveled and clearly badly prepared for their trip in the expansive desert.

He heard the name for the Holy City and nodded. Maybe they were pilgrims from another land coming to for to the ceremony. Soon many of the Septs would travel to Gra'akast to witness the ascension of the new Seer Locust.

He himself would likely stay for a few days after selling his goods hoping that he could witness such an important landmark in the history of the Ozainae that only came once in a generation.

Plus maybe he could make some coin here. He gestured for the two asking for payment waiting to see what the two wretches could have to offer.

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