
Alexis gave her goodbyes to the caravaners genuinely, albeit still a bit absentmindedly. Her gaze kept being drawn to the… obelisk… and it took a deliberate effort to look away so she could focus.

Cover herself. Yeah. Definitely sound advice. She took stock of what she carried with her, and began to prepare.
The desert attire was thankfully loose and roomy. She could hide the sword and the dagger in its confines just fine, even if that meant access was hindered. But if she got into a fight, she was probably done anyway.
She made sure the scabbard of her sword was secured against her leg so it would not swing around. After short contemplation, she strapped the dagger to her arm, hidden in the sleeve. Easier to reach. It might be fine on her belt, but judging by what she had seen on the assassins, its design differed from what was common here, and she wanted as little attention as possible.

Alexis looked at her shield critically. THAT definitely would stand out. Convenient topic to start a conversation or not, it did draw the attention of the woman in black.
She might be able to carry it under her robe and hide it under her luggage. It… was relatively large with the extra things Tarmen had left behind.
The now familiar sting to her heart made her ball her fist and she needed to breathe for a moment to remain composed.

But she needed to focus on the task at hand. So. She could hide her face under the scarf. At least she would not have to worry about her hair, it was just as black as most people’s around here. Mostly, she was just too pale and her facial structure would not fit in. She hoped her height would not be an issue, but walking a little hunched would probably not hurt.

She could probably walk in with other travellers. There seemed to be fairly many of these, could have to to with this Wandering. If she made it inside the city, she would have to look for somewhere to hole up in and hide her things, so she could move about more freely.

And then she would try wander around and get a lay of the land. Get an idea what was going on and where to look for that blasted shaft.

She could take a hint. That… obelisk… probably was as good as a starting point as anything else.

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