
Obelisk of Fate

Alexis, sat in the sand sketching the runes and carvings as best she could. Although she usually could depict representations of what she saw quite accurately tonight felt different. As if her hand was being guided by an unseen force, capturing every curve and every line with a quickness that had not been there before.

Often she had to blink her eyes to remove herself from the vacant state her mind was falling into.

The carvings were more than just simple decoration. It clearly told a story. One of life and fate, of death and rebirth. Of beginnings and ends.

~There are three world's that exist. The world of the living. The world of the unborn. And the world of the dead.~ The now familiar voice whispered in her mind as her hands worked across the leather bound book. ~ Connecting all these worlds is the Ether. It is a realm separate from the physical plane. It is the source of magic.~ Alexis vision seemed to swim between what she was being shown to her in her mind and what she was seeing with her eyes. It made her sick in a way. As.if she was falling

~ The Ether is like an ocean, lapping against the worlds and magik is the turbulence that happens when they crash against each other.~ The voice continued, it was that of an old man, one that had seen much, haunted by the knowledge that his days were numbered.

~ At the dawn of time magik was plentiful and ran wild across the Worlds. The Ether spilled into them in great waves of cataclysmic force, changing and moulding each to resemble Itself. But Life, Fate and Death could not survive this encroachment, even Time couldn't withstand its primal fury. The Ether will all its power eroded the Worlds, like the seas claim the land. Piece by piece washed away in a diluvial conflagration. ~

The piece of charcoal dropped from her fingers. She was shaking. She had seen it in Tar. Sudden revelation came with a price. Similar to the Ether crashing into the Worlds. It was savage, painful, violent.

~So the Wise Ones, those devoted to tending the Worlds created the Balance...~

Alexis closed her eyes in pain and reached up to grab her head. There was more, more to tell, but the voice went silent. Too much to quick and she would become a shell.

After a few minutes she looked up to the sky, panting. She packed her belongs and returned to her camp.

Tomorrow she would move on to the city and see what else she could learn at the Temple of the Twins...

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