
Gra'akast - Brotherhood Hideout

He walked back into the room after all the other disciples had turned in for the evening. He ensured guards had been posted once again along the crumbling outer walls. Despite the truce with the priests he wasn't about to let their guard down. The bastards had a way of changing their minds quick.

Eighteen notches on the post in the courtyard as of tonight. Two weeks of bloody work across the Desert of Skulls, slaying anyone that they suspected could be a penitent in the Pilgrimage of Bones.

There were a few more brothers and sisters to return but almost all had already reported back. The mood in the city was starting to turn. Never in their long history had the Ozainae witnessed only one penitent emerge from the desert claiming to follow The Call.

Before he could give it some more thought he froze. Something in the room felt wrong, disturbed. His senses tingled and he walked around taking it all in, letting it all wash over him.

He walked towards the desk as if pulled by instinct. He opened the draw open noticing their map of Ostiarium was missing. He frowned. Could one of the others taken it into another room?

He closed the draw scanning the area but did not leave the desk. His hands came to its surface and he ran his calloused fingers over it. He felt something tiny under his finger. He picked it up and held it to the light holding a blonde hair...

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