Getting ready

Temple of The Wandering

Islana woke with a servant coming inside her small quarters carrying a tray with fruit, steaming hot bread and water. The young woman placed it in the small desk, trying not to stare at the huntress and her unusual features.

She smiled nervously and dropped a folded white robe in the chair. She pointed at Islana's ruined clothes.

"I take later." She said with a bow. Behind her two young men entered the room with what looked like a small metal round tub. It was not very large or wide but it would do the trick. They bowed as they entered, their eyes unable to hide the shock and surprise at her hair, her features, at who she was. A foreigner...

Soon the small tub, which she realises she could on sit in with her knees close to her chest or crouch in, was filled with hot water and they left Islana to her ablutions.

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