What Are You Go Do?

JP with Omni and Lorem

She nodded in silence, her mouth pursed sheepishly.

“I meant I understand you… but I was too tired to argue and I won’t have you change my mind on this… you never want to hurt anyone. I don’t like to see suffering either. But like you said, if we become one flesh… your hand is my hand… and this is a very REAL… part of my being. Can’t you understand? Broken or not, this is me. Was I just supposed to send Alcuin away and tell him, sorry, I can’t help you? How can you not want this woman to hurt?”

Gonyaul stopped to think. “You ask good questions.” He took his time to collect his thoughts, noticeably exercising them. He returned back with his own barrage of questions.

“Understand this is what you use to be, but is this what want to ‘become’? But also, I wonder … do you know full story? Voah I though was a seeker of true things. But you seem to take everything Alcuin say as true with no measuring. How well you know this man? How well you know this Fang woman? How well do you know what is really going on?”

He stopped his line of questions. He had not answered her question and that wasn’t fair. So it was time to before he got ahead of himself. “I love loving people. And knowingly hurting this woman would not be loving. Would it? She has a precious life, that matters to her and to others. Maybe done wrongs, yes? But who among us has not?”

He gave the stage back to Voah and waited to hear her response.

Wow, Gonyaul was calling her out on her investigation tactics. He wasn’t wrong. That’s not she wanted to be. It was true that she had taken sides very quickly with Alcuin, a faithful servant of the Pillars, and immediately attacked the witch. That was instinctual, but she would have probably done the same regardless of her past affiliations. In the moment and even now, Voah had no question that it was the right thing to do to defend a fallen person from a powerful magikal force.

Just because she disagreed with ridding the world of magik didn’t mean she lost her love for the Pillars and the rest of their tenets. It didn’t mean that she wouldn’t fight against evils and kill if she had to. She didn’t know what was to become of her besides eventual damnation by a God she had once heralded and now fallen from.

“You don’t trust Alcuin because he speaks of vengeance and killing… you are right, I don’t know everything and want to know more, but tell me… would you have let him die in that alley? What would you say to him now? Forgive her? Walk away? Some of the things I told him were things he needed to hear. For our our safety. And some of it, I still believe… He is willing to die for what he loves and believes and that is something I don’t think I could take away if I tried. Had I turned him away, I would have only made a new enemy.

Would you not do the same?”

“I don’t trust Alcuin not because he ‘speaks’ of killing, but because he is too eager to and more so to drag you in it. He is willing to die, that is obvious by what he already tried. But I think he is more liking that you die as long as he gets what he wants.” Gonyaul shifted gears to provide some context to words. “He saved my life when attacked by Odinine bandits. The look in his eyes was one of enjoying.”

Gonyaul thought of Alexis, one of the most admired and respected people he had ever met in his entire life.

“When drums of war and death sound it is not the soldier that enjoys going to war. Because it is warrior and their friends that have to fight and die. I find them are quick to ask, ‘is there any other way than this?’”.

To answer her directed question, “I would have stop her from killing him. But I would stop there, not attack her. Would want know understanding from both sides.”

He sighed, “So what are you go do?” She was her own woman and he wasn’t going to try and control her. He knew that question, meant he may not get the answer he wanted to hear. He also realized that this could be a pivotal moment in their relationship.

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