Loose threads

Red Keep

Alexis had returned to her camp deep under the abandoned building, in the crypt she had spent most of her time since arriving in the Holy City.

Part of her was painfully aware that her thoughts were drifting further and further away from her old life and her companions and more and more consumed with the secrets each discovery seemed to throw her way.

She sat cross legged with a small fire burning in front of her casting shadows across the ancient walls of the round cave, looking at the drawings, her notes and thinking about what she had learnt.

The Brotherhood were clearly enemies of the Twins and the Seer. The Ichor of Solitude likely used in some form of ritual to bring the Immortal Prophetess into existence.

Her eyes were drawn into the small panting of the black hand breaking the hammer in the far corner of the room.

An act of aggression against Fosia and the part He might have played in the sundering of the Trinity.

What could be the connection between the Twins and the Ether? Could this have anything to do with the magik wielding priests?

She looked around her and again realised why Tar had become more and more withdrawn. An hermit living in the caves of Fang with nothing but his theories and voices for company.

She sighed. She needed to breath fresh air. She stood up and decided she was going to walk the streets of the city before going mad.

The name 'Zairae' seemed to echo inside the cave as she left...

< Prev : Speechless Next > : All is not lost