
Jp with Winteroak and Bandorchu

Izil smiled. Her Ozainae was good but her accent and her skin, not to mention her eyes gave her away. Although he could understand the need for secrecy. He was curious as to why she had come to see him.

He stood up moving to a table nearby and pouring some clear water into two cups.
"So which one of my offers have you come to accept?" He asked jokingly passing her a cup.

Alexis chuckled, and accepted the water with a grateful nod.

“Neither, unfortunately. I was hoping to profit from your extensive knowledge of the area, if you are willing to share?”

He looked at her eyes that obvious fascinated him, and nodded. "We are traders after all." He smiled with a nod. "Speak what you seek help with and I will tell you if it's in my power to help and if there is a price." He said honestly.

That was fair. Alexis didn’t have much to give, if a price was to be paid, but it was worth a shot.

She held his gaze, idly wondering wether mismatched eye colours were even rarer around here to attract so much interest, and formulated her request.

“The obelisk near the city. The ‘pillar of life’ or ‘pillar of fate’, I believe. There are two more like it, and I need to visit them.
Can you tell me how to find them?”

He frowned slightly at her request. He was maybe hoing for some cloak and dagger request, something that would bring him so excitement from the dullness of the endless trading of the last few days and the waiting. He smiled.

"That shouldn't be to hard to accomplish." He said thinking. "Once the new Seer emerges there will be many who will take pilgrimages to the Obelisk." He said thinking she could join one of those caravans or groups but stopped in his tracks. An Helian travelling among the Ozainae during a time of war would not be easy. She would need maps, resources, maybe a guide. All costly enterprises.
His curiosity was peaked.
"What is your interest in the Obelisks?" He asked.

Alexis was slightly surprised to hear that. Agizul had mentioned that visiting all three obelisks was a pilgrimage not really done anymore. But the seer’s rebirth would of course be a momentous occasion to the devout. So it probably made sense.

“I want to make sense of the inscriptions, and I believe I‘ll need to see all three of them to have a shot at that.“
she explained.

He nodded. He knew not all foreigners were devils in disguise like some like to believe. He had been around Arcadia enough to know the more you met other people the more you realised that your own people's perspective of life and even religion was only one of many. Although the bloody gods did not help matters much with their secret wars for souls. Maybe Alexis was a scholar. Maybe she had an interest in the history of different races.

He pondered how best he could help her.

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