Ace in the hole

Shrine of Kupen - Ostiarium

Margrave Otho returned inside the small shrine once again, as the wooden doors closed behind him, drowning the rugged cheers and chanting from the penitents gathered in Suncross Square.

Since the murder of the fool Balvaris he had taken upon himself to conduct midday mass himself everyday, preaching to the gathering masses from the shrine steps. After his role on the War of the Plains more and more people flocked to his congregation. He knew in many cases it had nothing to do with piety but with fear.

Fear of the magik this land seem to hold and fear of him. There might have been a Friar and an Arbiter in the city before, but his presence meant the deadly reach of the Inquisition was now truly present on Ostiarium. He didn't mind fear. He much preferred it over meekness. Fear he could use. He could shape. He could control.

And if the suspicions of Sir Zane were true they would need the fear he could raise desperately.

A member of the Silent Flock attached to the Temple bowed his head as he passed and waited instructions. He was to visit the Duke again and discuss preparations for the coming war.

#How is our guest faring?# He signed to the man, a scarred survivor from the clash with the Odsier Bonecasters.

The man was blunt and to the point as most of the order were when communicating.
#Resting. Eating more each day. No more babbling or dreams.#

The Purger nodded.
#Continue with the Ritual of Cleansing and Flagellation.# he ordered.

#He has taken up the Ritual himself. Two moons ago.# Came the sharp reply.

A dark grin spread across Margrave Otho's thin lips. Fear was a powerful tool. But so was pain...

< Prev : What's out there Next > : Part of The Job