Time For A Talk

JP between Lorem and LucianNepreen

Gonyaul couldn’t believe that the man Ekeros kept pushing that vile beverage throughout the evening. He was beside himself. Every time his cup was filled again, Gonyaul would try and find a way to discreetly empty it.

The most effective way was to pour it into Tarmen’s cup when he wasn’t paying attention. The large man seemed to enjoy it and also didn’t seem to notice the liquid in his cup was not deplenishing. In the moments he couldn’t count on Tarmen’s cup being present, he found ways to pour it out. He tried to see if Amu wanted it, but the horse ignored the liquid when offered.

Gonyaul was content on not knowing what the others were talking about. He instead was just enjoying people watching and the sounds of the different languages than his own. He was making memories. It didn’t stop him from pretending what they might be talking about.

Occasionally, alright more than occasionally, he would look off in the direction Voah and Berus went. His curiosity was pulling at him, but he felt that whatever they were discussing was for Voah alone.

Seeing that his approach went unnoticed, Tarmen noted Gonyaul looking to the door like a dog waiting for its owner. He personally had yet to feel that kind of romance, but had seen it enough.
Another matter was the now empty cup, though the boy appeared to be in no way inebriated. He chuckled at the thought of Gonyaul not wanting to insult Ekero, wondering where he had been putting it.
He let the question settle elsewhere in his mind as he stood in front of Gonyaul, looking between him and the door as he spoke.

“You’ve hardly touched your drink and you keep glancin’ at the door, should Voah be jealous?”

Gonyaul was so distracted that his attention failed to grasp the magnanimous presence of Tarmen’s approach until it was already upon him. He blinked and looked to the man, offering an inviting smile. At first, he instantly wondered if something was wrong. It wasn’t commonplace for someone of Tar man’s competency to talk to the likes of him so casually. Perhaps it had something to do with that nasty liquid he kept sneaking into the man’s cup? Or perhaps any reprove at Gonyaul’s expense was still to come.

He tilted his head and arched his brow up at Tarmen like a curious puppy. He had no idea how drinking vomit water, as he dubbed it, and looking at a door were things that should make Voah jealous.

He set the record straight. “I no understand? Voah is in my thoughts even when she is no here. I see no why she would be jealous of such actions?” Yes, it went right over his head.

Tarmen guffawed at the missed opportunity, more so from the drink than any actual humor.
The bluntness of his naïveté had another effect on his thoughts, one which he didn’t realize until he spoke just as forward as Gonyaul.

“Just jokin’, no need to worry. Wanted to check on you for one, but I was wonderin’ if we could talk alone a moment?”

He couldn’t tell where the question came from, though there were questions indeed he felt he needed to ask. He had planned on waiting longer to confront Gonyaul, so Tarmen blamed tonight’s circumstances squarely on the drink.

Gonyaul smiled, it was like an olive branch of peace to any who wished to take hold of it. He bowed and signed in respect and gestured for Tarmen to join his company.

“I would be honor to speak with you, thank you for this gift.” Maybe the others didn’t know it, but Gonyaul held Tarmen up on a pedestal for what a successful ‘man’ of the ‘world’ should be like. He was a little star struck that he was being given this opportunity.

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