Talk of Foreign Ideas

JP with Winteroak and Cindy

There were many questions that would be asked and answered in the next few days and weeks. Questions on numbers, weapons, logistics, strategies and the like, but the one questions everyone seemed to be keen to have answered was about the Inquisition and how people without any powers could have defeated the Odsier Bonecasters so easily in the War of the Plains.
"How do they fight magik?" Asked Amastan. "How can they stand the powers unleashed?"

"Some members of the Inquisition have what's known as boons. These are gifts that allow them to fight magik. Its also my understanding that the Inquisition has certain magik fighting weapons. Swords and other such things, specially designed for that purpose. I know of a set of handcuffs that have an affect on magik users but am uncertain to what extent or of those are the only set." Islana thought for a moment. "I think it also has to do with how strong or more like zealot their beliefs are. It's not the average citizen or even most of the soldiers that can fight magik. It's the Inquisition and they will fight it to the death if they have to."

It's what Islana had been told growing up. It's what she knew. The Inquisition would stop at nothing to rid the world of magik, even killing children that possess such powers.

Agizul and Amastan exchanged looks. Having grown up in a society that believed their abilities were gifts from the Twins it was hard to imagine a total opposite way of life.

"What about their gods? Where do they stand on this?" She asked.

Islana wasn't excately sure what was being asked. "The Inquisition believe their gifts are from the Pillars. They feel it's their - right - to have these boons but against their Gods for anyone else to be empowered. The average citizen and solider; it's impossible to tell where most stand. If you speak out against the Inquisition or the Pillars that's almost a sure path to death or torture then death. So, it's hard to say how many actually believe in what they're told but the majority have been told it there entire lives. She paused and breathed. "I wasn't excately raised like that. I wasn't taught the Inquisition was inherently right. I do believe there might be others who feel the same way. However, it might be difficult to separate them out."

The assembled men and women considered her words but many could not comprehend how alien Helian society was compared to their ways. With nothing else to discuss everyone bowed to Sister Locust and left the pavillion. Tomorrow would bring the final push towards Rarak.

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