Forward and Onward

Ch’Truta continued to march aside Wurm and the Bloodletters. The two had drawn close, respecting each other for their respective cunning and abilities.

Wurm grew within the ranks of the Bloodletters. Always by his side was Ch’Truta. Ch’Truta was more than gaining trust as an advisor. Wurm had come to realize the fate of those opposing Wurm’s authority was coming at Ch’Truta’s hand. Just as the first night Wurm had met the mysterious man.

The March across the acrid desert caused the shaman’s skin to tan in the hot sun. He had learned to draw water from the cacti growing there. He realized that anything growing here must have a water source. He showed Wurm and his men how to utilize the water from the cacti to survive in the dryness of the place. Wurm came to trust Ch’Truta more with each day of the march. And it seemed Wurm’s authority and rank in the Bloodletters grew with each new day. Soon, they would be joining the horde.

As they stopped for the evening, a shout came up from Wurm’s encampment. Ch’Trura investigated to find men scattering from a desert viper. From the fangs, Ch’Truta knew it was venomous. It hissed, then struck out at a man, just missing him.

Ch’Truta knew what to do. He had done this so many times in the swamps to get the venom from the vipers of the swamp. He patted the pouch he had always kept by his side and stepped between the men and the serpent. While the serpent focused upon one hand that Ch’Truta moved about, Ch’Truta’s other hand came from behind the serpent’s vision, clasping it behind the neck.

The free hand grabbed one of the empty vials from Ch’Truta’s pouch. Using his thumb and forefinger, the shaman removed the cork from the vile. Ch’Truta drained the fangs of every drop of the venom he could milk. He then took his sacrificial knife, placed the snake’s head upon a rock, then sliced the head off. He flung the body before the men and offered, “Enjoy the meat!”

For Ch’Truta, he would retire to his tent tonight. He hadn’t asked the spirits for direction of late. He had chosen to ride the rise of Wurm, always providing sound advice and eliminating any challenge to Wurm. Inside the small tent, Ch’Truta retrieved the mortar and pestle and began grounding up what he needed to put him into a trance. He would awake in the morning with the direction to which the spirits led.

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