The Slow Descent

The vision that enveloped Islana's were definitely becoming more pronounced and harder to control. She had no say as to when they seemed to appear.

This last vision was disturbing greatly to the young leader, not so much the war but how much that particular past Sister relished it. Islana understood wanting revenge. She had not been immune to such thoughts at times. Revenge against all who had wronged her, Lord Vasant, Malacost (who she still only knew as Alcuin), Stram, The Creed… her list had gotten long. Still, Islana didn't relish that feeling so much.

Shaking her head, slightly in an attempt to rid that feeling of being still out of place. "No, no healer. I must just be tired." Attempting to dismiss any concerns surrounding the state of Sister Locus. It was doubtful a header could be of much help, anyway.

The Odsier? That was unexpected. "Certainly, have him meet here. In about an hour. Was there anything else to discuss?" Maybe, some tea would help or not. Either way Islana needed a few minutes alone.

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