The Spirits Have Spoken

Ch’Truta wrinkled his brow, not sure from where came that remark. At least, they seemed to be on the same page of pushing these people out.

“I am here to assist in pushing these people back across the sea,” Ch’Truta confessed. “The Still Valley does not need the changes they would bring. We resist them. There are more from the Still Valley joining every day.”

Still, her answer had not answered the question that was nagging at him. The question of allegiance to Sister Locust as the chosen leader.

“The spirits of the swamp have led me to Sister Locust. The spirits are with her,” Ch’Truta affirmed, trying to elicit a response concerning Silina’s loyalties. Did she agree, or would Silina lead those repeating the rumors away, this splitting the strength of the growing horde? “Those not with Sister Locust will find themselves fighting against the spirits.”

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