Setting Things Right

Sentinel Island - Surathi’s Haven
JP with Omni and Lorem

Ylja sat with a somber expression, taking in the grown man’s sad story and haunting lullaby. She looked to her elders, perhaps in hopes of understanding or confirming that what she was feeling was valid or acceptable. She pitied the Vaux man, as she did her ancestors in the tales of old.

Ilyra closed her eyes, her face twisted in empathy and regret.

“Our kin… thine and mine… share a similar plight. Both casualties of war. Surathi we are. In our tongue it means, ‘Those who endure.’ This history, unbeknownst to us, doth stir bitter remorse. I pray forgiveness for the deeds of our forebears.”

Even Draza held a solemn face, her eyes downcast.

Gonyaul appreciated the empathy and the presence of repentant hearts. It was like the warm embrace of springtime that made the lonely winter seem long. His deep dark eyes fixed for a time with each one of them, sharing a meaningful and silent connection. It didn’t take the pain and sadness away; however, it did bring meaning to it. That meaning was like an antidote to the chaos. It didn’t change what happened and its consequences; however, it did redeem the past.

“Thank you.” He managed a humble smile and sat up straighter again. He was trying to look like one speaking with authority, despite his tired state. “As a surviving Vaux, I extend my unconditional forgiveness to all Surathi. May you and your fore-bearers be free of the chains that your transgressions have burdened you with. I see you as blameless.”

As he spoke those words it seemed, in an uncanny way, that energy returned to his body. His face was radiant with grace and the kindness in his eyes could mend the broken-hearted.

“And as Vaux, it disturbs me that some of my ancestors lifted a hand in sin against the Alossi. Is there anything I can do now to help set things right?”

Draza gave an expression that would turn the question back to Gonyaul, though she didn’t voice her thoughts. ‘IS there anything that he can do?’ She wondered, doubtfully. In some ways she wished for her mother and niece’s omens to be right about this man, in other ways, she refused to admit she needed help. She remained silent.

Ilyra, however, responded with clarity and resolve, "We seek an ally… steadfast, unyielding… that may stand 'gainst Y’Ghotan’s dark embrace, vanquishing his power, and perhaps banishing him to the Ether from whence he came. The perils ahead demand more than mere strength.”

She looked at her daughter and her eyes lingered for a moment before returning back to Gonyaul.

Draza sighed again and took some water, hiding her disagreement.

Gonyaul precipitated a smile that turned into a playful laugh. It was quite a strange reaction based on the context; he looked relieved. He wasn’t laughing at the seriousness of the situation, he was clearly laughing at himself.

“Oh good, strength has never been my specialty.” He was thinking about how much Qualestrel would be teasing him right now. Gonyaul self directed laughter subsided into a chuckle.

He smiled at them, like someone that had just been offered a great gift, opened it, and found an opportunity to enjoy it. “You have found an ally. And I will try…” it wasn’t because he was offered the chance to do something dangerous, but because different cultures … with plenty of reasons to disdain one another … were willing to work together instead of tearing each other apart.

Gonyaul had no idea how he could be the one they needed for such a perilous and complex venture. The uncertainty was scary. He decided that he would do what was possible, then from there maybe he could try doing the impossible.

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