Guide Back From The Edge

JP with mdman and Cindy

Ch’Truta’s clothing was soaked. His veins showed blackened beneath the skin of his arms, leg, and face. Unaware of things going on around him, the nightmare trance continued for Ch’Truta.

“If you are a goddess,” Ch’Truta challenged, “why can you not unbound yourself?”

“Simple fool.” Ziarae replied vehemently. “I was bound by the Twins, whose names will no longer cross my lips. To me, they are but specks of dust and ocean spray. Once liberated, I shall cast them down..”

“Perhaps,” Ch’Truta continued, for he had no need of power; he only desired one thing, and that was for Islana to love him as he did her, “I should side with them. They seem to be more powerful.”

Ziarae seethed. Things about Ch’Truta began to darken once again. He still heard her forceful voice.

“Mortal, a choice lies before you. Seek and manifest my liberation, or should the others succeed, know that your destiny, and that of all you hold dear, shall rest within my grasp!”

Inside his tent in the physical world, Ch’Truta murmured, “Is…Islana.”

Islana heard her name as she came into the tent and ran by Ch’Truta’s side, kneeling down next to him.

"Ch'Truta stay with me. You'll make it, just hang on." Islana looked, around and found a blanket which she rolled up and put under his head. She didn't have the skills or right kind of magik to help him.

Her green eyes became a shade greener due to the tears, that she seemed unable to hold back. "I can't lose you as well." Her words whispered in the air.

The voice of the goddess began to fade as Ch’Truta began to hear an angelic voice. The voice of the one he cherished.

Trying to open his eyes and raise his head, Ch’Truta failed. His energy was sapped. He wanted to gaze upon her, but his body would not respond to what the brain ordered. His mouth was dry, feeling as though it were full of cotton. His arm blindly reached for her, getting only a few inches above the ground.

He could speak though. “Islana,” he weakly pronounced, “are you there?”

"Yes, I'm here," Islana took his much larger hand gently in hers. "Stay with me. The healer should be here soon."

She was about to have Kefla go find what was taking so long, forgetting for a moment the age of the healer, but then Aguzul came back with the healer.

She stayed by Ch’Truta’s side as the healer put his wrinkled hands on the man's chest and stomach. The healer turned to the boy, "Get me a large pot, preferably one that can be discarded later." The boy went about the job, quickly returning with an old pot.

Aguzul spoke gently, "Sister Locust, you might not want witness this."

Islana just shook her head, "No, I have to stay."

Aguzul just knelt down to be of assistance if needed but didn't say much else.

The warmth of the healers magik made its way to Islana's hand, and she saw Ch’Truta’s stomach start to convulsed, as Aguzul propped the man's head up.

Ch’Truta began to heave. Soon, the contents of his stomach was coming out.

With this happening, Ch’Truta had already begun to feel better. Not strong, but better. His eyes began to focus on something. A face. Islana. A slight smile came to his face. For now, Ch’Truta was at peace, relieved that she was by his side.

Aguzul layer Ch’Truta’s head back down gently, as Kefla came back into the tent with a pitcher of water and a cup. Islana hadn't even noticed the boy had left again to retrieve those things.

The healer nodded, "He will need to take it easy for the next few hours. Get plenty of water and eat when he feels able. Let me know if there are any other problems."

Aguzul was a wise man, and sensing Sister Locust wanted to be alone with Ch’Truta wasn’t difficult. He spoke up, after helping the man drink some water. "Kefla, come with me let us walk back together." He asked the healer if he was staying here and the healer said he would go back to get him if needed. "Thank you, Aguzul."

Islana thanked the healer and the messenger as well before the three left, leaving her with Ch’Truta. Kaithak had found a place to pearch in the corner. Two of Islana’s guards stood outside but they were alone for the most part.

Islana continued to hold the man's hand as she wiped her eyes.

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