Islana and Ch’Truta - Part 5

JP with mdman and Cindy

Ch’Truta mounted M’hana , then awaited her to Mount her horse. It was hard for Ch’Truta not to notice how graceful Islana’s every move was. Each movement seemed intentional.

Well except for the fall. Her lips so close to Ch’Truta nearly caused him to give in to his love for her. Yet, that one moment of hesitancy on her part, the moment their eyes met and beheld each other, that moment felt intentional to Ch’Truta. Because of that, Ch’Truta felt as though he had hoped that this love would blossom and bloom.

Islana watched Ch'Truta mount his horse. While there were extra horses, none were really Islana’s. Ever since the day it had been found out, Skelep had been the one following the Horde, following her to find her once again. The day she had been offered the creatures back to ride upon, by the Skelep itself. The day she mounted the animal, it had become her mount. It would become her war mount in the near future. The Horde all knew this. If they were going for a ride, that was who she should ask first.

Sister Locust went to the Skelep, petted its fur, "Are you up for a ride, my friend?"

It seemed almost like a fluid motion between the Skelep bending down slightly, and the redheaded animal witch moving into position on its back.

When seated on top of the Skelep Islana was almost as tall as on horseback of one of the shorter but still rideable horses. The two made a definite sight.

Kaithak had returned from hunting and landed on Islana's arm before the falcon took once again to the sky.

The young leader and Skelep made their way to Ch’Truta and M'hana. Her neck titled slightly towards the man, "I'm ready.”

The tilt of the neck and her voice was alluring. Ch’Truta nodded.

Not having a case for his spear, it would be left behind. Ch’Truta still had the sacrificial blade for Islana’s protection.

Ch’Truta maneuvered M’hana, so that he was beside the skelep, looking up into emerald eyes. “I’ll be right beside you,” he affirmed, hoping it to be the case for a very long time.

Islana always carried her Skara knife with her but her bow and arrow had been left in her tent. As much as she had those who wanted her dead, she also had those who very much wanted to keep her alive. Protectors if various fashions.

Islana's eyes met Ch’Truta's and while the Sister already knew he was one who would protector her no matter what, his look seemed to cement it more. This was very different than any of her other advisors, her other protectors.

He'll be right beside her, the words left her feeling safe, hopeful. For these moments spent with him, right now, she didn't want to think of all the ways this thing between the man next to her and herself could go wrong. Not his doing or hers. Just circumstances which seemed to the will of Gods. No, she would, for at least a little while, live in the present. "I'm counting on it."

The terrain this close to Desdem, was where the browns of the desert began to give way to the more greens of valleys. The temperature going from the extreme dry heat, to a more tepid temperature. The desert wasn’t suited to the horses the way the other area surrounding Desdem was.

Islana showed Ch’Truta the way to that other area. It meant they were slightly away from the Horde. Not too far, but just not right there.

Ch’Truta rode alongside the one he loved, seeing her strength and grace upon the Skelep. Her fiery hair bounced as they rode. He green eyes viewing the landscape and often looking to him.

As they rode, Ch’Truta remembered her telling of her past. His heart went out to Islana. To him, it seemed as if Islana’s journey was to find who she is. And now, here she is, the embodiment of the sisters.

He knew of her past and present, so Ch’Truta’s mind shifted to the future. “After the war, when we push these foreign people back into the sea from where they came, what then for Islana?”

He used her name, not Sister Locust. This was not done in disrespect, but to honor her. The people she served could not get past the sisters. Ch’Truta saw her for who she really was.

There was an odd familiarity to the landscape they were riding, Islana herself had never been here, but at least one of the Sisters had.

Ch'Truta's question caught Islana off guard. She really didn't know how to respond, she had gotten used to people not asking about herself - certainly not in the way he was. The Horde cared about her but really because she was Sister Locust, Islana by herself knew without that mantle, she wouldn't mean much to almost any of them.

Ch'Truta was different, he cared for the side that was Islana. So, when he asked his question he truly was asking Islana. "I really don't know. I mean I know I'll go back to Gra'akast. I have to rule my people. Gods’ bequeath and all of that. I am hoping to get better with my magic. Study more, because I didn't have much time to do all of that after being granted the position." Islana suddenly realized that she wanted Ch'Truta there for all of that but he had his own people and life back in his home. "I don't have many choices as to what comes next." Truthful, and while she embraced her role, there might have been a twinge of regret as to what could have been if things had gone differently. "I would like to show you Gra'akast, someday." She seemed to briefly lose herself in thought for a moment. "So, what about you? What will you do afterwards?”

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