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View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Chatruta of the Chulla Brood
Seasons and Vipers
JP with mdman and Cindy
The Horde moved out the next day to cooler temperatures and a slight drizzle, it cleared up however after a few hours journey. The next day was clear skies. Not much happened beyond the movement of the thousands, in those days.
About mid-day on the third day they arrived where they would meet Shalia, though Islana wasn't exactly sure when the Winter Witch would get there.
Camp was set up, which took a few hours. Lunch was set out, which Islana had with her advisors. As usual talk was of war, strategy and the Horde. After lunch, The Sister dismissed everyone. She was left there with Ch'Truta. Islana took his hand, "Will you come for a walk with me?" She then called Kaithak to her, the falcon landed on her shoulder, she thought Kaithak should be on this walk as well.
Ch’Truta closed his fingers, entwining them with hers. “How could I turn away such an offer?” he replied with a smile.
The closer that got to Ostiariim, the more something troublesome began to grow within Ch’Truta’s mind. Perhaps it was the vision of the viper with two colored eyes. Maybe it was his own worries and imagination.
He had risen through the horde the last few days. There was nothing within the horde that indicated a threat to Islana. That meant the threat would come from outside of the horde. It would either be in battle, or like the Brotherhood, there would be those sent to infiltrate the horde to assassinate Islana. The problem was, the horde wasn’t contained within a keep with walls for safety. Pretty much all who approached entered in and became a part of the horde. Ch’Truta became more wary of those people the closer they approached the city.
He walked hand-in-hand with his love until they were alone, then ventured to speak, “We must be vigilant from here to the city as to whom is entering our numbers. After Shalia and the Odione join us, we need to evaluate any others joining.
"Yes, I agree. Especially, of any Helians that try to enter the ranks." Sister Locust said.
They were enough into the Winter Pastures that the mountains could be seen in the distance. As they walked Islana pointed to the snow capped peaks. "Those are the mountains of Fang. Where Shalia will be arriving from. They are also where Kaithak is from and where I went through on the run. At the bottom of those mountains is a mining village called Aquilo. There are Helians in Aquilo, though last I heard from Koshmen the village had been taken by the Odoine. The Helians turned into slaves.”
Ch’Truta studied the peaks of Fang. They stood tall and proud, their rugged silhouette etched against the sky. There, amidst the icy wilderness, Ch’Truta imagined the air is crisp and thin, carrying whispers of ancient tales.
This Winter Witch must have a high endurance to withstand the cold atop those peeks. The people with her would be welcomed among their number, as they most likely fought well.
He turned to face Islana, taking her other hand in his free one. “Will Shalia have any of these slaves with her?”
Islana would have easily agreed that Shalia was tough, resilient. She also thrived with the cold. The mountains of Fang were a good place for the Voice of Winter.
"I do not know," Islana responded. "It is doubtful. The metal mined from Fang is very important to making weapons and armor. I would think they would leave the slaves there to keep mining." Islana then confessed she hadn't to anyone before. "I have mixed feelings about turning the Helians into slaves.”
“I know that,” Ch’Truta expressed. “I also know you would not have approved what the broods did with their captives in the swamps.”
Ch’Truta smiled, then added, “You have shown me a better way. Grace. Mercy. You have earned the horde’s respect. Many believe fear is respect. It is not. I’d rather have people respect me than fear me.”
"I suppose I wouldn't." Islana agreed, not wanting to know the details.
The leader smiled back at him. "I am glad then. The Helians as a whole are not against slavery but I think my time spent as one has given me a different perspective than most leaders." She did not thrive off making people fear her, it was something she never wanted.
Ch’Truta looked deeply into those emerald eyes. It was as if he could see her deep within herself.
“That is what makes you good,” encouraged Ch’Truta. “While others seek power through their rule, you didn’t seek that. You serve those who follow you. You care about them over and above the outcome of this war. The Twins could not have chosen a better leader.”
"I try. It means a lot that you said that." Islana knew her ways of doing things were different than most Ozanine, and many in Arcadia but the ones that appreciated her, seemed to appreciate that as well.
The young leader looked back towards the mountains, "When the war is over, I would like us to travel to Fang. It is actually quite beautiful there in the right seasons.” She could make it a diplomatic meeting if need be.
Ch’Truta peered again at the snowy mountain range. A chill ran up his spine. He wasn’t used to that kind of cold.
“Well,” he shrugged with a grin, “at least we will have each other to keep warm.”
"It is not cold in the late spring or summer. We wouldn't go to the peaks." Islana smiled at him. "The seasons were I grew up were sort of like that. We were on the boarder of the next Kingdom, which was very mountainous, so we did have beautiful summers, late spring and early fall, early spring was a lot of rain. Late fall would get cold. Winters could be brutal, but sometimes the snow was beautiful." The Sister looked back at the mountains. "What are the seasons like in the swamp?”
Ch’Truta thought of the seasons of the swamp before answering. “Summer is unbearable. Hot and long. The air is thick and humid, carrying the earthy scent of decaying leaves and waterlogged soil. Thunderstorms often roll in during the afternoons.”
Ch’Truta then thought of the winters. “Winter is a wet season and most of the trees are dormant. Mist rises from the still waters, creating an ethereal feeling. The moving beauty of ancient cypress trees, some over a thousand years old, becomes even more striking.”
He continued, “The spring and fall are more pleasant. As winter loosens its grip, the swamp comes alive. Cypress trees sprout fresh green leaves, and water lilies bloom on the dark, tea-colored waters. The air resonates with the melodies of migratory songbirds. Alligators bask in the sun, their eyes barely visible above the waterline. Turtles sunbathe on logs, and dragonflies dart around the reeds. As fall arrives, the cypress needles turn a warm golden hue. The still waters mirror the foliage, creating a serene landscape. The weather is more pleasant, with milder temperatures and reduced humidity.”
Closing her eyes as Ch’Truta spoke, Islana tried to imagine what the swamp was like. His descriptions made it easier. "It sounds pretty actually." Deadly things can be beautiful.
"I don't believe the desert has seasons, not like where I'm from or the swamp. The change is more in temperatures and rainfall. No, rich colored leaves or the excitement from seeing the first buds of spring. I believe I will miss that." She had a little experience with the season changing in the desert but most if that knowledge came from the Sisters.
“One thing I believe will come out of this war,” Ch’Truta surmised, “is that the broods will come to an understanding of being united instead of fighting g each other. Already, many broods are working together on this march.”
"That is a good thing." The young leader thought for a moment. "It would be good for the broods of the swamp and the Ozanine to have a formal treaty, after the war. Actually, it would be good for all parts of Arcadia to have treaties. Maybe, more wars could be avoided for a very long time” Islana would like to avoid war, where it was possible to do so.
Ch’Truta thought on that for a while. He could see the benefit of all Arcadia aligning together against outside influences in the future, especially if that influence will dishonor the land for the sake of progress.
“That is a wise idea,” he stated. “I will represent you with the broods. We must work together to prevent this in the future.”
The Sister nodded. "That would be good. I believe our treaty with Koshmen will stand firm, as well." Islana said. "The Odoine have nothing to gain by breaking it but I have a certain amount of trust with Shalia, so that leads to a certain amount of trust with Koshmen." Islana was aware that the Odoine had broken a treaty in the past but it was in the distant past.
“Good!” Ch’Truta pronounced enthusiastically.
Then, Ch’Truta remembered, it was Islana that invited him to the walk. He was embarrassed that he had started the conversation with his concerns.
“I apologize,” he humbly spoke. “It was you that asked for this alone time. Is there something on your mind?”
"It is quite alright, I always enjoy speaking with you." Islana glanced towards the east and took a breath. "The Sisters have been very quiet lately. It had me concerned. It feels as if they are gearing up for something bigger than what they have already done.”
Ch’Truta thought for a short moment. His abhorrence of the Sisters was becoming more evident. When they were the Chosen One, they were to represent the Twins. Yet now, it seemed they were interfering with the Twins’ Chosen One.
Islana was a capable woman. She was more than just her twenty-year life. She had an older spirit within her, and not of the Sisters. Some would say she showed maturity beyond her years. That maturity came through in attitude and wisdom.
“Well, whatever it is, remind them that they are wrong about us. The Twins have shown their approval.” His smile then took on a more serious tone. “Big as in what? Total takeover?”
"I will remind them but they have their own collective will." Islana wondered if this was happening because she was a foreigner. As for Ch’Truta's second question, "I do not know. I will be honest, while I do not dread the idea of fighting the Helians as a whole. I do not relish the idea of having to fight people I am or was once close to. Some of them are still important to me." Her green eyes seemed distant for a moment, then. "I think the Sisters sense that.”
Ch’Truta nodded in understanding. It would be hard for him to fight the Chulla brood. It was all he knew before catching up to and joining the horde.
He took one of Islana’s hands in his, stroked a cheek with the other. A gentle sigh came from his lips. “Lovely U’Tani,” he whispered, “I understand how difficult that may be. Perhaps you should be directing things from behind the lines instead of leading them.”
He made this suggestion more for her safety than for any concern he had, which he didn’t, about her fighting the Helians. The feeling that someone within that city had the ability to hurt her was increasing. Inwardly, he wondered if this Purger had two different colored eyes.
His touch was so gentle, his suggestion coming from a place of concern for her. Islana understood all of that. Yet, she shook her head. "I understand that would be safer and potentially easier, but I can't, in good conscience, ask my troops to do what I am not willing to myself. I need to lead them into battle, that cannot be if I stay behind the lines." She kissed his hand. "I do understand why you asked though and it us part of why I love you.”
Her soft lips upon the skin of his hand, brought a sensation to Ch’Truta. His smile was a smile of surrender.
“And your caring for the people you lead added to your style of leadership are some of the things that cause me to love you,” Ch’Truta confessed.
“Do you know the Purger?” Ch’Truta asked. “Who on the other side do you know? Are there some you trust more than others?”
Islana shook her head, "No, the Purger apparently came to Arcadia after I was gone from Ostiarium. I have never laid eyes on the man." Which was probably a good thing.
As for the other people she knew, "Well, yes there are people I trust more than others there. I know Sir Zane, not well mind you, but I have spent time around the man. I would trust him if he was on our side but as things stand I believe he would kill me where I stood, if given the opportunity. I know the Arbitrator I mentioned before, Voah. Like I said she believes in the Inquisition. I suppose I never fully trusted that if she found out about my abilities that she wouldn't just strike me dead, but I trusted her beyond that. I'm not so sure now because we are on opposite sides. There's Tarmen, I barely know him, we have people in common. The two people I trust the most from there are Alexis and Gonyaul. They both became like family to me. I would have trusted them with my life, and did. All of these people except, Sir Zane and Tarmen helped to rescue me from the cult. I looked to Alexis as a big sister and a mentor. She is though loyal to the Helians and a warrior. Gonyaul is like no one I had ever met before. I knew he would never hurt me. He doesn't relish hurting people or fighting in general. He is so ...peaceful. Not always but often. He was like a brother to me." A tear fell from her emerald eyes onto her cheek. "I miss Alexis and Gonyaul greatly. I do not want any harm to come to them.”
“So, Sir Zane would hurt you simply because he is a soldier,” Ch’Truta thought aloud. “The Arbiter would do so for a reason: because of your use of magic. You said Gonyaul would never hurt you. You didn’t give any statement concerning Alexis. Would she hurt you?”
His hands were grasping her shoulders, eyes looking into emerald seas. His voice spoke of urgency. He was trying to figure out the viper.
Islana had to think about that question. "I don't know how to answer that. There was a time I would have said never, but I do not know what she thinks any longer about me. She might believe I am no longer Islana." Islana wiped her eyes, as she tried to put her feelings on the matter into words. "Alexis is very much a protector and a warrior. She will be very loyal to Helians. Whether she woud hurt I suppose depends on if she still sees me as Islana, her little sister or if I am now just a traitor or believes I am now just Sister Locust." It was the best answer she had.
Two would definitely hurt her. One would not. The other…there was a level of trust. Yet, Islana wasn’t sure. This is a person that might be able to bring Islana’s guard down.
Ch’Truta thought of asking about the eyes. Because of his love for her, Ch’Truta didn’t want to cause her much more distress.
“If any of them come close in battle,” Ch’Truta urged her, “you must let me know.”
Islana nodded, "I will." It was an easy thing to agree to. There was little to be done about what might happen in the future. The redhead opted to change the subject. "I could use some practice on my staff and spear fighting. Would you be want to help me with that?”
His hands slid down her arms from her shoulders to the elbows. He could never fight against her as the oncoming friends, but he would prepare Islana for the battle.
“I’d rather you not fight in the coming battle,” he reiterated to her, “but I understand. I know you will. If you will, I will work with you, although for sword, you would need to seek someone else. Yes, I will practice with you.”
With that being said, he pulled her into himself, embraced her, and kissed her with all he had within him. He felt he was making progress in the vision. He knew it was concerning the coming battle. It would be one of those of whom Islana spoke.