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View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Chatruta of the Chulla Brood
JP with mdman and Cindy
Ch’Truta silently nodded. He took her hand and entwined his fingers with hers.
Walking by Islana’s side, Ch’Truta desired to be the silent calming presence for her. He hoped she did not pick up any negativeness from him. He truly believed that if anyone can do this, it was Islana.
Some people came out to bow to the Sister, some just watched as she walked by. There were now such a variety of people that not everyone bowing was expected. One group barely acknowledge her while tending to the sick. Still there was an air of despair that hung there, like a heavy cloud. There were those that eyed Islana suspiciously, as if they thought she had laid the trap herself.
Fires burned and the large piles that had been erected to burn the dead, sat as if waiting for more bodies. Islana had come to the burnings out of respect, she said her prayers to the twins for those that had been Ozanine but has no words for the rest, she couldn't give them their final dues, being a priest not of those gods.
One man walked up to her, he was Ozanine, Islana could tell. "Sister Locust," he didn't bow, "So, many have died. How can you ask us to continue following you into battle when our numbers have depleted, when it seems as if the Twins have forsaken us."
Everyone with in hearing distance grew slient, awaiting what she would say.
"I never asked you to follow me," Islana replied, but the took a moment and everything about her shifted from her stance to the way her voice project. "You, none of you, should be following me. You should follow what you know to be true. Arcadia will fall if we do not fight. The Helians have slaughtered the animals on this pasture, before that they slaughtered the Odiser, before that they slaughtered people like me, those with gifts, both in Arcadia and in Helias. Next they will come for the Ozanine, the Odoine, those of the swamp. They will kill the innocent, children, anyone they choose to with no regard for any life. They will burn fields, destroy villages. Anyone they do not slaughter, they will enslave under their cruelty. They will destroy everything Arcadia is and can be under the guise of their Pillars. You do not fight for me you fight for everyone who belongs to Arcadia and Arcadia itself. The gods have not forsaken us. The enemy is cruel and brutal."
The Sister paused and looked over those who were now drawing closer. "I do not lead you, we fight together for the sake of all who belong here on these shores. The people and the gods. So for Erehuin of the Odiser, For Noraura and those of the Odoine, for the spirits of the swampland, and for the Twins of the Ozanine, Yther and Viher," to which Sister Locust kissed her sleeves. "For the people of this land, and the spirit they bring and how that spirit is ever embedded into the very fabric of the the different nations, for Arcadia, what she was, is and will be. Will you, all those who can hear my voice, will you fight with me for those things?"
A resounding yes, including the Ozanine standing before her, was let out.
"Then For Arcadia." The Leader shouted with reverence for the land itself
"For Arcadia!!!" The horde let out, almost in unison.
A few more cheers were given for the gods, the people and once again for Arcadia. The Sister was satisfied. Islana had been watching and was could disagree with nothing that was said, but deep inside there was still that sense of guilt of going against the ones she still cared about. Islana grasped onto Ch'Truta as she came back to herself. She looked and more people were kneeling before her. "We should go," the leader quietly spoke to Ch'Truta.
Ch’Truta couldn’t be any more proud of Islana. She said exactly what needed to be said. The horde was still with her. They would fight for Arcadia.
He placed an arm about her waist and pulled her into himself. They were bound now; all knew. He needn’t be concerned about demonstrating affection in public.
His face shown with the inspiration from her speech. “You did well, U’Tani!” he exclaimed.
Islana could only reply, "Thank you, Hamia," she then lowered her voice, "but it wasn't me, it was them." She suddenly felt a little light headed and stumbled slightly as she walked. "I don't know how much longer I have as myself.”
Ch’Truta placed her arm on his side about his shoulders so he could hold Islana upright. It wouldn’t do for the horse to see her falling.
Swiftly, Ch’Truta carried Islana to her tent, through the flap, laying her upon some pillows, which served as a couch. He knelt beside her.
“Cursed Sisters!” he exclaimed. “You all should be banished to the underworld! May the Twins destroy your spirits!”
To Islana, he spoke softly, “Hold on, U’Tani!”
Islana could barely hear him, but she was fighting. It would be a struggle which would last hours. The Sisters, at first, maybe hadn't expected her to fight them. Maybe she was supposed to give in, after all, it should be an honor and privilege, at least many Ozanine might feel that way but, to Islana, she just felt like herself was something no one had managed to take away, never completely, and certainly not something the redhead was just willing to give up.
Ch’Truta leaned Islana forward a little from the pillows. He himself crawled behind her, his legs spread. Then, Ch’Truta brought Islana’s back against his chest. He wrapped his arms about her, holding Islana tight.
“Yther and Viher,” Ch’Truta began, “Mighty Twins, curse the dread led sister who would imprison my love. Allow the grace that is within her to shine forth. May she be known as the great sister, the one who chases these strangers back into the sea from where they came. May she be as great as the first sister!”
Hours she fought them, and by the time Islana re-emerged it was dark out, past dinner. During that time her closest advisors had checked on her, and canceled the speech as she had already given it.
Alyssa closed her eyes, she knew that there would be a time she could no longer fight them and it was growing closer, the closer the Horde got to the stone city and the inevitable war.
Kaithak eyed her from his pearch, as she put out her arm, he quickly went to her. She petted the bird gently on top of his head, but said nothing as her mind filled with what ifs.
Ch’Truta squeezed Islana gently. He sat with her embraced in his arms the entire time. He hoped the Twins had heard and would answer his prayers. The first sister didn’t have these spirits taking her over.
“It is good to have you back, U’Tani!” he whispered in her ear. “The struggle was difficult. Both of us are soaked in sweat from the battle.”
"Yes, thank you for fighting with me. I knew you would." She leaned back slightly, kissing him. "I would very much like to get cleaned up, do you think you could get someone to fetch us some buckets of water?”
Ch’Truta smiled after the kiss. Even when drained of her strength, Islana’s lips brought him joy.
“Of course, U’Tani,” Ch’Truta replied, easing himself up from being her support.
Ch’Truta soon found Islana’s personal servant. He nodded to her, then spoke, “The sister has awakened. She would like to soak in a bath. Please prepare one for her.”
The servant was as quick as possible about bringing some heated water for both of them. Islana cleaned herself up and got changed, as her clothes had been soaked in sweat, despite the cold temperatures. When Ch'Truta had a chance to clean-up, Islana realized she was hungry. "We should probably get some dinner.”
Ch’Truta just put on clean clothes, when she had encouraged food. Yes! She should build strength. The sisters were becoming more forceful. He nodded.
“I am concerned,” he mentioned to Islana. “What are we to do if the sisters completely take over? I will continue to fight for you, but I despise the sisters for what they are doing to you.”
"I hate to say this but I'm not sure that there will be much I can do, at least until the war is over." Islana grew sad at that notion. "I can maybe fight them, until then, and after but I feel they might be at their strongest during the battles." She took his hands in her. "Please, don't give up hope that I will return to you, no matter what happens.”
Ch’Truta swallowed hard. He squeezed her hand to demonstrate that he understood. Concern was in his eyes. Just to what would they lead her?
“You are my hope,” he confessed. “You are the hope for all Arcadia coming together against these snakes from across the sea. But most of all, I will stand by you and support you, even if they take full control, hoping that you will soon come back to me. I deeply love you and believe that you will come back to me!”
Islana took his hand, in hers. "Let us then have dinner, then share this night together. I want to be close to you as much as I can, while we have the chance."
He gently caressed Islana’s cheek, brushed back her hair, then kissed her. He nodded as he replied, “To the blessing of dinner, then after, the blessing of being bound.” He grinned, took her by the hand, and escorted her to dinner.