No rest for the wicked

Alexis sat on her cot for a moment, taking a deep breath and trying to process things.

Hendrik’s disappearance ended up on top of that maelstrom of thoughts and she rigorously filed the offer of promotion under “to deal with later”.
It seemed she was down for the count for a week. She better made good use of that time and tried to find out what happened to her friend. To whatever end.

Pushing up to stand again, she proceeded to wash up and get a change of clothes, after which she managed to improve from looking half-dead to only one-quarter dead.

Both her armor and her shield would need a lot of fixing up, so she found herself replacements for later in the armory, though she opted to make do with a light leather vest as long as she remained in the city walls. It would be easier on her bruised rips.

After that she went to find the town guard to inquire about Hendrik. Much to her chargrin though not to her surprise they knew next to nothing. Apparently Hendrik had simply not reported back, had not been seen since, and that was that.

At least they could tell her that Hendrik had been investigating a bigger murder case prior to his disappearance. Murder certainly seemed the be in style around these part this time of the year.

When they mentioned who had been assigned with the investigation alongside Hendrik, she perked up.

With her being constantly charged with organising drills outside of Ostiarium she hadn’t seen much Jiyn lately, but she hoped he would still be able and willing to help her out.
She wondered wether he still haunted the Drunken Hare these days.

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