The Grey Suit

JP with Alexis and Gonyaul

Alexis was true to her word and fulfilled her promise to go with Gonyaul to the armorsmith after the four of them made it back to town. He didn’t make the same mistake twice in offering his cloak as they hiked the short distance to the shop in the failing light and rain.

He strangely beckoned her to follow him round to the back of the shop. It was pretty common for any vender he had visited before to expect this behavior from Gonyaul. He found it was easier to minimize running into people this way and most places were obliging.

Gonyaul banged a rhythmic knock and waited. After a short wait the door opened and a solid and powerful looking older man greeted Gonyaul.

“Gonyaul! Good to see you lad. Come in, come in out of the rain and cold.” Bellowed Kane. His voice matched his physique.

Gonyaul allowed Alexis to go first, introducing her at the same time.

“Kane. This Alexis.” He gestures between them. “Alexis. Kane.”

Alexis wasn’t really sure what she was getting herself into, but a promise was a promise, so she obliged.
She nodded at the man Gonyaul introduced as ‘Kane’ in greeting.

“Good evening. I am sorry to bother you at this late hour.“

The ‘he insisted’ was left unspoken.

Kane let them both get situated inside before bringing the back door to a close behind him. He bowed respectfully to Alexis. Even though he had arms the size of tree trunks he had a gentlemanly way about him.

“Pleasure to meet you Alexis. Not to worry about being late. I owe this little guy a favor after what he did for my friend, so consider this earned extended hours .”

As he spoke he gave Gonyaul a forceful and friendly pat on the back that sent Gonyaul flying a few feet forward.

He pointed his finger at Gonyaul, “it is nice to see you with someone other than yourself for a change.”

Gonyaul smirked, “can you show grey suit, while I run and get something?”

Kane nodded and looked to Alexis, “sure I can show her that one. Be quick about you though.”

Alexis watched the exchange warily, wondering what this ‘grey suit’ was supposed to be.

Returning the blacksmith’s gaze she shrugged, expressing that she didn’t know what the young man was up to.

Gonyaul exited the back and took off in a sprint for his place on the farm. Once there he pried up the floor boards to retrieve the treasure piece and a small handmade wooden box. Without putting the floorboards back, he started running top speed back to the shop.

Meanwhile, Kane opened up a large dresser cabinet on the east most side of the room. Inside was a complete armor set, aptly named the grey suit.

“Well here is what he wanted me to show you. I am assuming you are in the market for new gear?” Said Kane.

“You got your black gambeson leggings and sleeves, leather gloves and boots, a grey gambeson armor jacket, neck and shoulder plates, and chain mail shirt with hood all custom made by yours truly”. He smiled proud of the work.

Alexis moved closer to inspect the gear. Undeniably, this was high quality. Of course superior to anything the armoury could offer, Gonyaul got that much right.

“This is most impressive work, Master Kane. You certainly know your craft. May I?”

she asked, referring to be allowed to lay hand on it.

Kane smiled and gestures permission, “Be my guest milady.”

He went to start closing down the shop a little while she inspected closer. “Take your time and let me know if you have any questions.”

Alexis took her time to take a closer look. While she was used to leather armour, of course she was aware of the merits of a gambeson.
Honestly, it was worth a thought. Her armour was pretty messed up anyway. It might very well be worth to invest some coin in a new one.
And this blacksmith clearly knew what he was doing.

“My recent armour suffered a great deal. I thought of fixing it up, but seeing this I do have a mind to invest in a new one.”

“Well, you can be the only person in the world that has this design of armor for let me see, “ he opens a ledger on one of his work tables and flips to the appropriate page. “For the gloves, boots, reinforced leggings and sleeved tunic and gambeson trench coat, it’s 20 gold pieces. The chain mail is 50 gold. And the plates are 75. For a total of 145 gold.”

There was a knock at the back door. Kane walked over and let Gonyaul inside.

He was wet and slightly flushed from sprinting there and back at top speeds. His long black hair was matted to his skin.

Gonyaul placed a flat object on the table that was wrapped securely in linen and twine, as well as the small wooden box.

“How much?” He opened the box and it was full of 27 gold pieces.

Kane caught on to what Gonyaul was trying to do. And he felt a little sorry for the lad, because he perceived that lady Alexis was not going to be the type of person to let someone else purchase her armor for her.

It took Alexis a moment to realise what was happening. But when she did, she furrowed her brow.
Remembering who it was that was trying to do this, she took a deep breath, walked over to Gonyaul and closed the box.


His big doe eyes looked back at her confused. But the way she said no, was unmistakably final. She would visually see the wind get taken out of his sails. He didn’t even know, that he didn’t even have enough to cover half of it.

“It nice though right?” Trying to move past the reprimand.

Kane shook his head as he put some of his mallets away. Thinking, that young man is crazy but has a huge heart, undeniable.

“It is.“

she agreed readily.

“And I am sure Master Kane and I can come to an agreement.”

She glanced at the stout man.

“If you are willing to sell only part of the set for a start, that is?”

she inquired.

Turning back to Gonyaul, she continued.

“But you are not paying for me. Absolutely not.”

Kane beamed that a sale transaction was budding. “For a friend of Gonyaul, consider the armor saved for you and we will figure something out.”

Gonyaul pulled his box of life savings closer to him and nodded. He took a deep breath and his sad expression disappeared.

He suddenly smiled, and grabbed the almost flat object on the table and held it out to Alexis. “For you.”

It was obviously a heater shield by the shape of it. A smaller more versatile evolution of the kite shield that was effective both defensively and offensively.

He waited for her to unwrap it.

It was Alexis’ turn to be confused, but unwrap it she did.

“Why do you have something like this?”

That seemed a strange possession for the farmhand.

Kane couldn’t help but be curious. When he saw the craftsmanship of the design on the front of the heater shield he scurried over to them to get a better look.

“Yes Gonyaul, how did you get this? I know this work. This craftsmanship is from the Spurius family in Salos. This is a remarkable piece.” Kane also inquired.

Gonyaul nodded when he heard the name Spurius. “I help them. They gave me this as gift.” He had been carrying the shield with him for over three years.

Kane let out a huge hearty laugh, “You m’boy, are one lucky son of a”. He trailed off as he wandered back to what he was previously doing.

Alexis had no idea who that Spurius family was, but apparently they were some kind of a big deal. Now how to get through that thick skull that he shouldn’t give all his possessions away to a stranger he just met the same day.

“Then you should hold onto this, no? After all it was their gift to you. Wouldn’t they be sad if you just gave it away?”

It was his to do as he pleased. And this is what he pleased.


He tried to use the same expression, tone and body language she used on him earlier because it was so effective. There was a good chance he didn’t deliver it as well as she did though.

“I no use it ever. You give it home and purpose.” His attempt at stern melted into gentleness. “Please”.

Alexis let out a deep sigh and carefully lay the shield down.
She studied the strange young man intensely.
Never had she met a person before that almost seemed to be hurt by the prospect of not being allowed to help.

“… do you remember our deal, Gonyaul?”

He breathed a sigh of relief. “Yes, fair is fair.”

Alexis nodded, holding his gaze.

“I will accept this…”

she tapped on the shield.

“… if and when you can come up with something I can give you in return. And just to be clear: I get a say in what ‘fair’ is, too.”

He smiled meeting her gaze. “Agree.”

Kane interrupted, “and I get a say that we should all be getting home, no. But this time, exit through the front door.” He gently walked them out.

“I will be in touch Alexis Greyriver, about the suit.” Yes, he knew of her already.

Gonyaul’s mind exploded her last name was Greyriver and she was going to get the grey suit set.

Kane locked the shop when they left. There was an overhang so even though outside they remained dry in front of the entrance door.

“Well, then. Let’s get you home.”

He was very much not going alone with a box full of coin and an apparently very valuable shield.

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