The Voice

Ostiarium forest

Tarmen - The Voice. You cannot stop hearing the Voice. The Voice tells you that this world is FALSE, an illusion made up to shackle you. A gilded cage. Lies, everywhere. The Voice has lived since the Beginning and seen the Truth: the “Gods” of this world are FALSE. They will fall.

The realm of mind is Ignorance, the realm of matter is Restriction. Only the Spirit is true, only the Voice is Wise, and the Voice will show you the Way.

The Voice says, all one must do dip its blades in blood of the false prophets to begin rejecting the Cage. You cannot stop hearing the voice. MINE. It says. MINE. Whose Voice is it you are no longer sure. Slivikhi or the Imp. Or even the Shroud. You can no longer tell. Felfar no longer keeps it at bay...

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