Off to the mines

Wim as busy working on some of the book work for the operations at his desk next door to Master Sadir’s office.
“Boy!” The older man called. Wim dropped his head for a second and replied. You think getting engaged and killing someone would move you to Mister or even Wim. he thought.
“Coming,” Wim called back setting down his quill and sliding the ink back on the desk.
Wim stood up and retrieved his jacket putting it on before locking the office door and entered the office.

“I have a project for you,” the older man said leaning back in his chair and touching his finger tips together like he was measuring Wim.
Wim smiled as he placed his office key in his pocket.

Master Sadir and the Brewmaster were making an honest man out of him and Elizabeth had cut into his card games.

His major success was to get a failing farmer a job at the lumber yard. Wim had suggested that he talk with Gonyaul, but the fool was determined that gambling was the only way he could save the farm. The man ended up being a good hire, strong as an ox and twice as stubborn. Wim had worked a deal that the taxes would be paid over time from his pay. Wim got a good worker, the Duke did not take the farm, and they had a place to dispose of the stable waste. The last part was Gonyaul’s suggestion. Wim did not know what spreading animal waste on a fields had to do with better crops. But is made the stable smell better.

The old man sat watching to see if Win would break the silence first, Wim gave in.
“What is the project?” He asked curiously.
Wim did not think it was something malicious as his daughter had not born an heir to take his title.
Wim as still the rotten scoundrel that he was, he was just doing things that helped people and himself of course. He would make money over time. Good workers were worth their pay. Having enough influence to save a girl from a hard life on the streets to be a maid in a knights home or working in a shop if she was pretty enough, or a young man who wants to fight in the alleyways at night a spot that would lead him to enlisting. Everyone of these little scams that would work out would endure him a little bit more with people and added to his credibility as being an upright bloke.
His engagement to Ms. Sadir had even broke him into the social circles of the city.
That opened more doors that he could get a foot in and push a body through.
Some day, people would talk and realize what a lovely manipulative bastard he was.

Master Sadir rolled out a map of the area with notes and symbols on it. Each farm, each store, each house was labeled. The ones he controlled were colored in a light blue. Some had blue lines, and where his new house was was dark blue. Wim did not need that explained to him. He realized his little schemes were being watched and reported.
“Wrong map,” he said rolling another map out.
He pointed to the small mining outpost.
“We my boy, are going into the transport business. I’ve have petitioned the Duke for exclusive rights for three years and I am waiting to hear back,” he said.
Wim gave him a funny look.
“Your job is to take a wagon with some supplies and find out how this can be done and what is needed,” Master Sadir said rolling forward.
“Word is a patrol is heading for there, if you are quick enough they may let you ride with them,” he continued.

Wim looked at him in a bit of shock. Aquilo was going to be the center of the tribal wars. Wim knew he who controlled the iron controlled the war. It was simple in his mind. Transporting by sea would be cheaper but slower.
Having had this argument a hundred times before the older man said, “The money is where the iron is, wars make you money from all sides if you plan ahead.”

Wim played the only card he had, “What about Elizabeth?”
This made Master Sadir smile, he had the boy off balance. Wim tried to stay formal.
“I am sure you have plenty of that horrible love poetry that you write for her to last a month or two in your desk drawer. Gifts will be sent to her with your undying love,” He said.
As Wim was turn to head out.
“I also put a bet down at the Drunken hair, four gold that you will not keep your noble honor till the wedding. Take the smoke colored mare, she likes you,” the old man said then laughed.
A month of apples, carrots, and sugar cubes had done that.

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